歌词 "Scarlet Ribbons" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Scarlet Ribbons



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I peeked in to say goodnight ì偷看在说晚安

And I heard my child in prayer 我听见我的孩子祈祷

"And for me some scarlet ribbons “对我来说有些猩红色丝带

Scarlet ribbons for my hair" 大红缎带我的头发“

All the stores were closed and shuttered 所有的商店都关闭,倒闭

All the streets were dark and bare 所有的街道都是黑暗和裸

In our town, no scarlet ribbons 在我们的城市,没有鲜红的丝带

Scarlet ribbons for her hair 大红缎带她的头发

Thru the night my heart was aching 整个夜晚我的心脏隐隐作痛

Just before the dawn was breaking 之前就在黎明破

I peeped in and on her pillow í在偷看,并在她的枕头

On her pillow lying there 在她的枕头躺在那里

Lovely ribbons, scarlet ribbons 可爱的丝带,鲜红的丝带

Scarlet ribbons for her hair 大红缎带她的头发

If I live to be a hundred 如果我活到一百岁

I will never know from where 我永远都不会知道从那里

Came those ribbons, scarlet ribbons 来到这些丝带,鲜红的丝带

Scarlet ribbons for her hair 大红缎带她的头发

歌词 Scarlet Ribbons 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/scarlet-ribbons-2/