歌词 "Say Goodbye To The City" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Say Goodbye To The City



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Let's take a ride, say goodbye to the city 让我们一程,告别城市

I've been here so long - I can't see it anymore 我已经在这里这么久 - 我看不到它了

I've been here so long - I can't feel it anymore 我已经在这里这么久 - 我感觉不到它了


So get in the car, babe - you know that it's alright 所以,坐进车内,贝贝 - 你知道,这是正常的

Get in the car, babe - we're gonna see ourselves tonight 坐进车内,贝贝 - 我们会看到自己今晚


When we're on the outside - it feels so hard 当我们在外面 - 这感觉这么难

There's never an easy way - there's nothing in this world 有从来没有一个简单的方法 - 有没有在这个世界

When we were on the outside we had something going on, 当我们在外面,我们就一些事情,

Something beautiful, something that they can't spoil 美丽的东西,这东西不能糟蹋


But I don't see you now, I don't see you anymore 但我没有看到你了,我没有看到你了

I can't see you now, I can't see you anymore 我看不到你了,我看不到你了

I can't see you now, I can't see you anymore 我看不到你了,我看不到你了

I can't see you now, I walk through you and out the door 我看不到你,现在,我通过你出了门走


I can't see you now, I can't see you anymore 我看不到你了,我看不到你了

I can't see you now, I can't see you anymore 我看不到你了,我看不到你了

I can't see you now, I can't see you anymore 我看不到你了,我看不到你了

I can't see you now, I can't see you anymore 我看不到你了,我看不到你了


I don't feel it anymore 我不觉得它了

I don't know how it's doing anymore 我不知道它是怎么做的了

I walk through it now 我从现在走路

I slip through it now 我从现在溜走

Can you see me now? Say 现在你能看见我吗?说

I don't know how it's doing anymore Oh, I can't see you now 我不知道它是怎么做的了哦,我看不到你现在

I walk through it now Take all the corners off me 我从现在走路采取一切角落掉我

I slip through it now Stop to call me dizzy 我是通过它滑停下来打电话给我晕

I can't see you now Say... 我看不到你现在说...

I don't know how it's doing anymore Oh, I can't see you now 我不知道它是怎么做的了哦,我看不到你现在

I walk through you now Take all the corners off me 我从你现在走路采取一切角落掉我

I slip through it now Stop to call me dizzy 我是通过它滑停下来打电话给我晕

I can't see you anymore 我看不到你了

歌词 Say Goodbye To The City 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/say-goodbye-to-the-city/

歌词 Say Goodbye To The City 的作者与版权信息:


Mark Anthony Stephen Colwill, Alistair Macauley, Dickon James Hinchliffe, David Leonard Boulter, Neil Timothy Fraser, Stuart Ashton Staples


Bug Music Ltd., Bug Music Ltd. (Gb)