歌词 "Satellites" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



歌词相关歌手:SUGAR RAY

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Easy I'm gonna fade away 易我会后仰

I'm gonna find my way around 我会找到我的身边方式

Knee deep I get no where from sleep 膝深的我没有得到任何地方从睡眠

I'm running out of sheep to count 我跑了羊来算

Not right I sit alone at night 不正确的我独自坐在夜晚

And on the bed I write it out 在床上我写出来

No time for giving up that line 没有时间放弃这一行

Or making up your mind 或者让你的心

You've got a right to pine about 你已经有了一个松树约权


[Chorus] [合唱]

I'm feeling you tonight 今晚我感觉你

In the dream I think I'm falling 在梦里,我认为我跌倒

Bouncing off of the satellite 反弹卫星

In the dream I think I'm flying 在梦里,我认为我飞

I feel you I feel you 我感觉你,我觉得你

Reach out and touch me will you 伸手摸了我你会

I'm feeling you tonight 今晚我感觉你


No saving for a rainy day 没有储蓄,以备不时之需

When all of what they say you're out 当所有的他们说什么,你就出局了

No fame but all the rights the same 没有名气,但所有的权利一样

They're gonna know my name in town 他们会知道我在城里的名字

No reason for another season 没有理由让一个赛季

For some other teasing moans 对于其他一些挑逗的呻吟声

No favor to the one that gave her 丝毫好感,给了她一个

Made a morning haven 做了一上午的避风港

Inspired to save us all 灵感来拯救我们


[Chorus] [合唱]

I'm feeling you tonight 今晚我感觉你

In the dream I think I'm falling 在梦里,我认为我跌倒

Bouncing off of the satellite 反弹卫星

In the dream I think I'm flying 在梦里,我认为我飞

I feel you I feel you 我感觉你,我觉得你

Reach out and touch me will you 伸手摸了我你会

I'm feeling you tonight 今晚我感觉你


I can see you touch the sun 我可以看到你一抹阳光

Make a wish and don't tell anyone 许个愿,不要告诉任何人

Then my eyes start focusing 然后我的眼睛开始关注

Then my eyes start focusing 然后我的眼睛开始关注

Then my eyes start focusing 然后我的眼睛开始关注


[Chorus] [合唱]

I'm feeling you tonight 今晚我感觉你

In the dream I think I'm falling 在梦里,我认为我跌倒

Bouncing off of the satellite 反弹卫星

In the dream I think I'm flying 在梦里,我认为我飞

I feel you I feel you 我感觉你,我觉得你

Reach out and touch me will you 伸手摸了我你会

I'm feeling you tonight 今晚我感觉你

歌词 Satellites 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/satellites-5/

歌词 Satellites 的作者与版权信息:


Rodney Sheppard, Craig Bullock, Mark Mcgrath, Murphy Karges, Stan Frazier, Don Gilmore


Four Forty Magnum Music, Grave Lack Of Talent Music, Warner-tamerlane Publishing Corp.