歌词 "Satellite Skin" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Satellite Skin



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

If you break these moth wing feelings 如果你打破这些飞蛾翅膀的感受

Powdering dust on your fingers 你的手指尘粉

We know we're not praying we're kneeling 我们知道我们不是在祈祷,我们跪

Hard enough just to say you believe them 够硬只是说你相信他们

Well how the heck did you think you could beat them 以及到底你是怎么认为你能击败他们

At the same time that you're trying to be them 那个你想成为他们的同时

Hard enough just to say you don't need it when they 够硬刚说你没有,当他们需要它

Took it up while you were still eating 就把它拿起来,而你还在吃

Well satellite, satellite skin 以及卫星,卫星皮肤


Just enough just to say you don't mean it 刚好只是说你没有意思

Well, when everybody's willing to listen 那么,当每个人的愿意听

Oh satellite, satellite skin 呵呵卫星,卫星皮肤

You can say what you want you're forgiven 你可以说你想要什么你原谅

Well happy fucking congratulations 唔开心他妈的祝贺

Well everyone, everyone wins 好了每个人,每个人都赢

Just like being in my own solar system 就像在我自己的太阳系是

Doing good things but then totally eclipse them 做好事,但随后完全蚀他们

Oh what the use, oh what the hell 哦,有什么用哦什么是地狱


If you break these moth wing feelings 如果你打破这些飞蛾翅膀的感受

Butterfly knives in the ceiling 在天花板蝴蝶刀

Well everyone, everyone's waiting 大家好,大家的等待

Detachments get praised and completed 支队获得好评,并已完成

You can say what you want and not mean it 你可以说你想要什么,而不是它的意思

When no one really seems to be waiting 当没有人真的好像是在等待

If you sweep up this mess I've created 如果你扫了这个烂摊子,我创建

Nothing's left to show I existed 没有什么剩下的节目我存在

Except satellite, satellite skin 除了卫星,卫星皮肤


Asking for a question 询问一个问题

Was it easier said than was actually done 是不是比实际谈何容易

Do you even believe that 你甚至认为,

Do you even believe that there's a race to be won 你甚至认为,有一场比赛要赢


If you break these moth wing feelings 如果你打破这些飞蛾翅膀的感受

I have seen it all because satellite skin 我已经看到了这一切,因为皮卫星

Over innocent eyes 在无辜的眼神

I'd like to know these morbid opinions 我想知道这些病态的意见

Get stacked in all those usual avoided spots 获取堆叠在所有那些通常避免斑点

Just to tell you how I could not have seen 只是告诉你我怎么能没见过

Through to the gist of those unhappy 通过对这些不愉快的要点

Happy accidents 幸福的意外

歌词 Satellite Skin 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/satellite-skin/

歌词 Satellite Skin 的作者与版权信息:


Tom Peloso, Isaac Brock, Joe Plummer, Johnny Marr, Eric Judy, Jeremiah Green


Marr Songs Ltd., Tschudi Music, Sony/ATV Harmony, Ugly Casanova, Sony/ATV Melody, Crazy Gnome, Robot Horse Music, Party Pants Music