歌词 "Sailin'" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

The harbor lights were shining, the moon was at its high. 灯光闪耀的海港,月亮是在其高。

The captain said, "Thank God we're home, we've drunk the barrels dry" 船长说, “感谢上帝,我们的家,我们已经喝了桶干燥”

The mizzen mast was shaken and the lanterns all burned low 在后桅桅动摇和灯笼全部烧毁低

I'd never thought we'd make it but we've twenty leagues to go 我从来没有想过我们会做,但我们已经20联赛去

So blow you southern trades and guide me safely to the shore 所以,你吹南部行业,引导我安全到岸

I'll never ever gonna sail the seven seas no more 我会永远要去航行七海没有更多


I don't want to miss the sand in my hair 我不想错过沙子在我的头发

The roll of the tide and the salt in the air 潮水卷,并在空气中的盐

Deep inside it's true I'm a home lovin' man comin' on home to you 内心深处这是真的,我家就喜欢男人科曼回家给你

I don't want to miss the wind in my eyes 我不想错过风在我的眼前

The shimmerin' light when the seagull flies 该shimmerin “光当海鸥苍蝇

Lo, I've traveled far I'm a home loving man home is where you are 看哪,我已经走了很远我是一个爱家的男人的家是你在哪里


The crowd upon the quayside their faces long and drawn 在岸边的人群他们的脸旷日持久

Are suddenly awakened as we sail in on the dawn 突然惊醒,因为我们航行在黎明

The wives, the sons, the lovers, who never gave up hope 妻子,儿子,情人,谁没有放弃希望

All breathe a sigh together as they reach to catch the rope 所有的呼吸了一口气在一起,因为他们达到捉绳

God bless you, southern trades, you got me safely back this time 愿上帝保佑你们,南部的交易,你让我安全地回到这个时候

Oh, you'll never have the need again to save this soul of mine 哦,你永远不会有需要再次拯救这个灵魂矿


I don't want to miss the sand in my hair 我不想错过沙子在我的头发

The roll of the tide and the salt in the air 潮水卷,并在空气中的盐

Deep inside it's true I'm a home lovin' man comin' on home to you 内心深处这是真的,我家就喜欢男人科曼回家给你

I don't want to miss the wind in my eyes 我不想错过风在我的眼前

The shimmerin' light when the seagull flies 该shimmerin “光当海鸥苍蝇

Lo, I've traveled far I'm a home loving man home is where you are 看哪,我已经走了很远我是一个爱家的男人的家是你在哪里


Yes, I don't want to miss the sand in my hair 是的,我不想错过沙子在我的头发

The roll of the tides and the salt in the air 潮汐的轧辊和在空气中的盐

Deep inside it's true I'm a home lovin' man comin' on home to you 内心深处这是真的,我家就喜欢男人科曼回家给你

I don't want to miss the wind in my eyes 我不想错过风在我的眼前

The shimmerin' light when the seagull flies 该shimmerin “光当海鸥苍蝇

歌词 Sailin' 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/sailin_/