歌词 "Saga Of The Ageing Orphan" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Saga Of The Ageing Orphan



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Father and I waved goodbye 父亲和我挥手告别

As we went to look 当我们去看看

Uncle Peter was writing a book 彼得大叔正在写一本书

And his mama was starting to cook and she's ageing 而他的妈妈已开始做饭,她的衰老


We had come in search of one 我们来的时候寻找一个

Who evades us all 谁回避我们所有人

Never heeds the call 千万不要一概毫不介意通话

If only someone could stall this ageing 如果只有一个人能搪塞这种老化


So I'll go and hope and know 所以,我会去和希望,并且知道

That my time is near 我的时间是近

Laughing through the years 经过多年的笑

Having only fears of ageing 有老化的只有恐惧

歌词 Saga Of The Ageing Orphan 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/saga-of-the-ageing-orphan/

歌词 Saga Of The Ageing Orphan 的作者与版权信息:


Philip Parris Lynott


Palace Music Co. Ltd.