歌词 "Sacrifice" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I want to bring you 我想给你带来

I want to feel alive in you 我想感受活着的你

I want to bathe in the danger of ourselves 我想在自己的危险洗澡

I want to feel you 我想你的感觉


I want to take you 我要带你

Carve a new design in you 雕刻一个新的设计中,你

I want to look in your other face 我想看看你的另一面


But it's so damn hard to find 但它是如此该死很难找到


I want to bring it 我想要把它

I want to bring it 我想要把它

I gotta feel all sacrificed 我得觉得一切牺牲

I gotta feel all sacrificed 我得觉得一切牺牲

I'll never let you know 我永远不会让你知道


I want to peel it back 我要剥回

I want to look inside 我想进去看看

I want to see the inscriptions glow 我想看到的铭文发光

Where your teardrops crawl 你在哪里爬泪水


Under the downward side 在向下的一侧

I was the death you beg to hold 我求求你持有死亡

Now you have the thing that you wanted most 现在,你有你最想要的东西

You can never own 你永远不能拥有

歌词 Sacrifice 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/sacrifice-17/

歌词 Sacrifice 的作者与版权信息:


Glenn Danzig, Glen Danzig


Reach Music Publishing-digital O.B.O. Evilive Music, Evilive Music