歌词 "Running In Place" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Running In Place


歌词相关歌手:10 YEARS

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

The sounds bounce around 声音反弹,

The noise just drowns me out 噪音只是淹没我出去

To fast to focus, nothing is showing 要快速对焦,没有什么出

Any sign of slowing down 放缓的迹象

Dreams feed to me 梦喂我

In the form of a magazine 在一本杂志的形式

I can't control it, channels have chosen 我无法控制它,渠道选择

What I'm supposed to be 什么,我认为是


It's hopeless 这是没有希望的

As far as I can see 据我所见

There's no rest 有没有休息

'Cause we're stuck on repeat “因为我们是停留在重复


Stand here and wait for the world to finally stop 站在这里,等待世界终于停止

Running in place, chasing after what we 跑步的地方,追逐我们

Don't need, keep running 不需要,继续运行

I'll stand here and wait for the world 我就站在这里,等待世界


Bright flashing lights 明亮闪烁的灯光

The ads just fill me eyes 广告只需填写我的眼睛

Colors colliding, voices inviting 色彩碰撞,声音邀请

Me to buy a better life 我买的美好生活

She speaks to me 她跟我说话

He knows just what I mean 他知道这正是我的意思

I can't control it, I have to own it 我无法控制它,我一定要拥有它

Everything is made of green 一切由绿


It's hopeless 这是没有希望的

As far as I can see 据我所见

There's no rest 有没有休息

'Cause we're stuck on repeat “因为我们是停留在重复


Stand here and wait for the world to finally stop 站在这里,等待世界终于停止

Running in place, chasing after what we 跑步的地方,追逐我们

Don't need, keep running 不需要,继续运行

I'll stand here and wait for the world 我就站在这里,等待世界


For the world to finally stop 对于世界终于停止

Chasing after what we want 之后,我们想要追

Take it all away, flush it all away 全部带走,刷新了这一切

We won't change 我们不会改变


I'll stand here and wait for the world to finally stop 我就站在这里,等待世界终于停止

Running in place, chasing after what we 跑步的地方,追逐我们

Don't need, keep running 不需要,继续运行

I'll stand here and wait for the world 我就站在这里,等待世界


For the world to stop 对于世界停止

For the world to stop 对于世界停止

For the world to stop 对于世界停止

For the world to finally stop 对于世界终于停止

歌词 Running In Place 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/running-in-place/