歌词 "Run With The Angels" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Run With The Angels



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I'll meet you in the morning sun 我会满足你在清晨的阳光

Play until your day is done 玩,直到你的一天结束

I'll meet you when you wake up alone 我会满足你,当你独自醒来

Rock you back from the unknown 摇滚你回来从未知


And I'll meet you where there's no goodbyes 我会满足你那里有没有再见

No black suit, no tie 没有黑色西装,不打领带

Meet you where you're safe and sound 认识你,你是安全和无害的

Far away from the battleground 远离战场


I break down when I hear your voice 我休息下来的时候,我听到你的声音

I break down 'cause I have no choice 我休息下来,因为我别无选择

I know you run with the angels 我知道你与天使运行

Yes, you do 是的,你做

I break down 我打破

We can't fail you now 我们现在不能让你失望


Meet you where life is just 满足你在哪里生活就是

Where no one can abuse your trust 如果没有人可以滥用你的信任

I'll meet you where a faith restored 我会满足你一个信心恢复的地方

That you will always be adored 你将永远被崇拜


I break down when I hear your voice 我休息下来的时候,我听到你的声音

I break down 'cause I have no choice 我休息下来,因为我别无选择

I know you run with the angels 我知道你与天使运行

Yes, you do 是的,你做

I break down 我打破

We can't fail you 我们不能不你


I break down when I hear your voice 我休息下来的时候,我听到你的声音

I break down 'cause I have no choice 我休息下来,因为我别无选择

I know you run with the angels 我知道你与天使运行

Yes, you do 是的,你做

I break down 我打破

We can't fail you now 我们现在不能让你失望

歌词 Run With The Angels 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/run-with-the-angels/

歌词 Run With The Angels 的作者与版权信息:


Mic Michaeli, Hakan Jan Haugland, John Gunnar Leven


Kobalt Music Services Ltd. Kms, Warner/Chappell Music Scandinavia AB