歌词 "Run" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

And all the way is winding, 一路是曲折的,

I know I could get lost with you 我知道我可以迷路了,你

But I feel that we're dividing and 但我觉得,我们正在分裂,

I can see you're falling through... 我能看到你落下过......


Now time it won't pass by me 现在是时候它不会由我传递

if I don't let it find me 如果我不让它找到我

Illusion will not blind me, 幻觉也不会盲目了我,

I cannot look behind me 我不能看着我身后

Now all I see reminds me 现在,我所看到的让我想起

to run before I'm lost like you... 运行前,我迷路喜欢你...

So RUN... 这样跑...


For all we say, 对于所有我们说,

we're wasted here 我们在这里浪费

I was awake you were not there 我醒来你不在那里

When all we have has disappeared 当所有我们已消失

I'll keep a light for you... 我会继续光给你...


I know that time is speeding 我知道时间正在加速

and memory deceives the truth 记忆欺骗的真相

Experience is fleeting and 经验是短暂的,

I can't stay asleep like you... 我无法保持睡眠喜欢你...

So RUN... 这样跑...


For all we say, 对于所有我们说,

we're wasted here 我们在这里浪费

I was awake you were not there 我醒来你不在那里

When all we have has disappeared 当所有我们已消失

I'll keep a light for you... 我会继续光给你...


We only see what we believe in 我们只看到我们相信

I can't stay with all I've seen here 我不能留在所有我在这里看到

Only see what we believe... 只看到了我们认为...


For all we say, we're wasted here 对于所有我们说,我们在这里浪费

I was awake you were not there 我醒来你不在那里

When all we have has disappeared 当所有我们已消失

I'll keep a light for you... 我会继续光给你...

歌词 Run 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/run-5/