歌词 "Rumors" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Lyrics: Andreas Kisser; Music: Andreas Kisser / Igor Cavalera] [歌词:安德烈亚斯接吻;音乐:安德烈亚斯接吻/伊戈尔Cavalera酒店]


Loss for words - you lost respect 语塞 - 你失去了尊重

Food for thoughts - you're just a fool 食物的想法 - 你只是一个傻瓜

Mind of the weak, nonsense says 弱,废话头脑说


The rumors will never die 传言永远不会死

The rumors are only lies 传闻只是谎言

The rumors don't let you breathe 谣言,不要让你的呼吸

Talk is cheap 谈话是便宜


Games of lies - just fucking lies 谎言游戏 - 只是他妈的谎言

It's all wrong - you're full of shit 这一切都错了 - 你是充满了狗屎

Nothing's straight, no! 什么是直的,没有!

Low moves, low moves 低移动,移动低


The rumors will never die 传言永远不会死

The rumors are only lies 传闻只是谎言

The rumors don't let you breathe 谣言,不要让你的呼吸

Talk is cheap 谈话是便宜


I thought I've heard 我想我听说过

I thought I've said 我想我已经说过了

I thought was right 我认为是正确的

It's never wrong 这是从来没有错


Let it be, just let it be 别管它,就让它成为

Never mind, just never mind 没关系,就别提了

That's all you have, that's all you got 这就是你,这就是你得到

Never say what you never will 永远不要说你永远不会懂


The rumors will never die 传言永远不会死

The rumors are only lies 传闻只是谎言

The rumors don't let you breathe 谣言,不要让你的呼吸

Talk is cheap 谈话是便宜

歌词 Rumors 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/rumors-1/

歌词 Rumors 的作者与版权信息:


Paul S. Haslinger


U.P.G. Music Publishing