歌词 "Ruby" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Ruby, what am I gonna do with you 红宝石,我该怎么做,你

Babe you choose what you wanna do 贝贝你选择你想做的事

Don't want my Ruby in the dust 不希望我的Ruby中的尘埃

Lost and lonely babe then you must 耐不住寂寞的宝贝,那么你必须

Understand that I am here 要知道,我在这里

And you come to me 和你来我往

My Ruby 我的红宝石


Ruby, what a life you choose Ruby中,你选择什么样的生活

Babe you loose what you're trying to prove 宝贝你失去你想证明什么

Don't want my Ruby in the dust 不希望我的Ruby中的尘埃

Lost and lonely babe then we must 耐不住寂寞的宝贝那么我们就必须

Understand that I am here 要知道,我在这里

And you can come to me 你也可以到我这里来

Unfderstand that I am near Unfderstand我是附近

And you belong to me 而你是属于我的

My Ruby 我的红宝石

歌词 Ruby 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/ruby/