歌词 "Romeo & Rabecca" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Romeo & Rabecca


歌词相关歌手:BLINK 182

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Walking through the grass 通草走

Another blade next to you from the ground 你旁边的地上另一个刀片

As the wind does pass 由于风力不传球

I notice as you feel the breath of my shout 我注意到你觉得我喊的气息


Your words are kind 你的话是一种

The kind that repeatedly say no 反复说没有那种

But that's alright 但是,这是正常的

I'm older than you so I've got time 我比你大,所以我还有时间


What have you said, reach out your hand 你说了什么,伸出你的手

There's a black shadow on my wall 有一个黑色的影子在墙上

But as I look into my mind 但是当我看着我的脑海

I can see that girls are a waste of time 我可以看到,女孩是在浪费时间


We've all seen the bridge 我们都见过桥

A broken seam and a girl on one side 阿破缝,并在一侧女孩

You think your words will work 你认为你的话会工作

They only work when you lay down and close your eyes 他们只当你放下工作,闭上你的眼睛


I thought of all the lines 我以为所有的行

All the right ones used at all the wrong times 一切是正确的,在所有错误的时间使用

But that's alright 但是,这是正常的

Depression's just a sarcastic state of mind 心灵的萧条只是一个讽刺状态


What have you said, reach out your hand 你说了什么,伸出你的手

There's a black shadow on my wall 有一个黑色的影子在墙上

But as I look into my mind 但是当我看着我的脑海

I can see that girls are a waste of time 我可以看到,女孩是在浪费时间


I don't want to live alone 我不想独自生活

I don't want to live in 我不希望生活在

My broken dreams of you 我的梦想破灭了,你


I don't want to live along with 我不想跟着一起生活

My broken dreams of you 我的梦想破灭了,你

I don't want to live along with 我不想跟着一起生活

My broken dreams of you 我的梦想破灭了,你

歌词 Romeo & Rabecca 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/romeo-rabecca/