歌词 "Rock N Roll Never Felt So Good" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Rock N Roll Never Felt So Good



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I met her at a donkey show. 我见到她在毛驴表演。

She was minutes past thirteen. 她分了13 。

Sucking on a cherry yoo-hoo. 吮吸樱桃俞灏。

Reading "Nugget" magazine. 读“掘金”杂志上。

Cum splattered tube-top. 暨四溅管顶部。

Scrawny pre-pube tits. 骨瘦如柴的预pube山雀。

That's when I saw she was quadraplechick. 这时候,我看到她quadraplechick 。

And I said "Baby you're looking good" 我说: “宝贝,你正在寻找好”

That's when I noticed her legs were wood 这时候,我注意到她的腿是木头

I grabbed a stump and dragged her out the door 我抓住了一个树桩,并把她拖出了门

I need a hole 我需要一个洞

I don't need no hips 我不需要任何的臀部

I laid a line of coke on her tits 我把一条线的焦炭在她的乳房

That's when I ripped off her dirty shit-filled drawers 这时候,我扯下她的肮脏的狗屎填充抽屉

[Chorus:] [合唱: ]

Good, should, could, I think it feels pretty good [x2] 不错,应该可以,我觉得感觉还不错[X2]

So good, so good, so good, so good, so good, so good [x a lot] 这么好,这么好,这么好,这么好,这么好,这么好[ XA很多]

It wasn't nothing pretty, she took my genital germ 这不是什么漂亮的,她把我的生殖器的细菌

Her limbless body thrashed about filled with infected sperm 她截肢体惨败约装满精液感染

I criss-crossed with the cables, í纵横交错的电缆,

I smashed her face through a door 我从门砸了她的脸

They found her in a plastic bag down by highway 64 他们发现她在一个塑料袋下降64公路

And I said "Baby your looking good" 我说: “宝贝你看起来不错”

That's when I saw her legs were wood 这时候,我看到她的腿是木头

And all you people... 和所有你的人...

You just can't understand 你只是无法理解

I need a hole 我需要一个洞

I don't need know hips 我不需要知道臀部

I need the taste of dick on my lips 我需要的家伙对我的嘴唇的味道

I fucked her asshole with a piece of frozen shit 我性交她的屁眼一块冰冻的狗屎

[Chorus] [合唱]

歌词 Rock N Roll Never Felt So Good 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/rock-n-roll-never-felt-so-good/