歌词 "Rock A Bye Baby" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Rock A Bye Baby



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Rock-a-bye, baby 摇滚-A-再见,宝贝

In the treetop 在树梢

When the wind blows 风起时

The cradle will rock 在摇篮摇

When the bough breaks 如果架子断了

The cradle will fall 摇篮也就掉

And down will come baby 上下会来的宝宝

Cradle and all 摇篮和所有


Baby is drowsing 宝宝打瞌睡

Cosy and fair 舒适的和公平的

Mother sits near 母亲坐在附近

In her rocking chair 在她的摇椅

Forward and back 前进和后退

The cradle she swings 她摇摇篮

And though baby sleeps 虽然宝宝睡觉

He hears what she sings 他听到她唱什么


From the high rooftops 从高高的屋顶

Down to the sea 下到海

No one's as dear 没有人是亲爱的

As baby to me 至于宝宝给我

Wee little fingers 凌晨小手指

Eyes wide and bright 眼睛瞪得明亮

Now sound asleep 现在呼呼大睡

Until morning light 直到天亮

歌词 Rock A Bye Baby 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/rock-a-bye-baby-1/