歌词 "Road Ode" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Road Ode



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I've been on this lonely road so long 我已经在这孤独的路那么长

Does anybody know where it goes 有谁知道哪里就有奇迹

I remember the last time 我记得最后一次

The signs pointed home a month ago 有迹象指出家一个月前


Rented cars and empty motel rooms 租来的车和空汽车旅馆房间

Lead you everywhere but home 无处不在,但家里带你

Crowds of people shouting 成群的人喊

How they love the show 他们是如何爱秀

They don't know 他们不知道


The endless crowds of faces 面的无尽的人群

Just keep on wearing a smile 只要保持上挂着一丝微笑

The countless times and places lead me back 无数的时间和地点带我回去

Please take me back home 请带我回家


I wonder if these feelings ever change 我不知道这种感觉永远改变

How many times I'll lift this load 多少次,我会解除这种负荷


Come tomorrow I'll be gone again 明天来我会再次消失

Roads of sorrow coming to an end for me 悲伤的道路即将结束对我来说


The endless crowds of faces 面的无尽的人群

Just keep on wearing a smile 只要保持上挂着一丝微笑

The countless time and places lead me back 无数的时间和地点带我回去

Please take me back home 请带我回家


I wonder if these feelings ever change 我不知道这种感觉永远改变

How many times I'll lift this load 多少次,我会解除这种负荷

Come tomorrow I'll be gone again 明天来我会再次消失

Roads of sorrow coming to an end for me 悲伤的道路即将结束对我来说

歌词 Road Ode 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/road-ode/

歌词 Road Ode 的作者与版权信息:


Gary Sims, Dan Woodhams


Ars Nova Music Co., Irving Music Inc.