歌词 "Rise From The Dead" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Rise From The Dead


歌词相关歌手:DANI SHAY

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I dance until the sun comes up and then I close my eyes 我来跳舞,直到太阳升起,然后我闭上眼睛

For fear that when I can see I'll want to run and hide 怕的是,当我看到我会想运行和隐藏

It's a shame we're all walking fast, talking underneath the trees 这是一个耻辱,我们都走得很快,在树下聊天

Without even understanding they're helping us to breathe 即使完全不了解,他们可以帮我们呼吸


I read the same newspaper at the same time each day 我每天每天读同样的报纸在同一时间

The stories never change but I read them anyways 这些故事永远不会改变,但我看他们反正

It's a shame we're all waiting, debating underneath the trees 这是一个耻辱,我们都在等待,辩论树下

Without even understanding they're helping us to breathe 即使完全不了解,他们可以帮我们呼吸


And the kids in the parks use tree stumps as leverage into the air 而在公园的孩子们用树桩作为杠杆到空气中

And they jump on their beds when they get home and the world isn't fair 而他们在床上跳,当他们回家和世界是不公平的

And they fall, they fall 他们倒下,他们属于

And they fall, and never get up 他们跌倒,再也起不来了


But they can rise from the dead 但他们可以从死里复活

They can rise from the dead 他们可以从死里复活

They can rise from the dead 他们可以从死里复活


And I can rise from the dead 我可以从死里复活

You can rise from the dead 您可以从死里复活

We can rise from the dead 我们可以从死里复活


Rise, rise 上升,上升


I grow my roots into concrete just before it dries 等我长大我的根变成具体在其干燥之前

When I forget how to listen to anything but lies 当我忘记怎样听什么,但谎言

It's a shame we're all stagnant, broken fragments, underneath the trees 这是一个耻辱,我们都是停滞的,破碎的片段,在树下

Without even understanding they're helping us to breathe 即使完全不了解,他们可以帮我们呼吸

歌词 Rise From The Dead 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/rise-from-the-dead/