歌词 "Ripe" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



歌词相关歌手:BEN LEE

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

The moon sheds light across the end of the bed. 月亮棚照亮整个床的末端。

You made me wait but now i'm touching your leg. 你让我等待,但现在我碰你的腿。

And i remember all the little things you said, 我记得你说的小事情,

"quesadillas, made with cheese" and "a rock band who went japanese." “油炸玉米饼,做奶酪”和“摇滚乐队谁去日本。 ”

So for once in my life, i saw what i wanted and took a bite. 因此,对于曾经在我的生活中,我看到了我想要的,咬了一口。

I picked the fruit from the tree and it was ripe. 我拿起水果从树上,这是成熟的。

Your love got big, your drugs got worse each afternoon. 你的爱得到了很大的,你的药加重了每一个下午。

Like bacon at a bah mitzvah, like a lead balloon. 就像培根在呸成人礼,像铅气球。

And who's to say what really happened in that room each day? 又是谁在说什么,每天真的发生在那个房间?

I was looking for a bride, you were looking for a groom. 我一直在寻找一个新娘,你正在寻找一个新郎。

So for once in your life, you saw what you wanted and you took a bite. 因此,对于曾经在你的生活中,你看到你想要什么,你咬了一口。

You picked the fruit from the tree and it was ripe. 您可以从树上摘下的水果,它是成熟的。

And all you people are the heroes i'd known. 和所有你的人是英雄我早知道。

We're staring off the edge into the unknown. 我们盯着关闭的边缘进入未知。

We are not there yet but we cannot go home. 我们现在还没有,但我们不能回家。

So we cry, and we sing. 因此,我们哭了,我们唱歌。

Yeah, i remember everything. 是啊,我记得一切。

For once in our lives, we saw what we wanted and took a bite. 这一次在我们的生活中,我们看到了我们想要的,咬了一口。

We picked the fruit from the tree. 我们采摘果实从树上。

And it was ripe. 它已经成熟。

歌词 Ripe 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/ripe/

歌词 Ripe 的作者与版权信息:


Benjamin Michael Lee


Songs For The World Music, Songs Of Nwimp