歌词 "Right Or Wrong" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Right Or Wrong



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Yes I'm scared. 是的,我很害怕。

And all the bad things that I've done 和所有的坏事情,我已经做了

And this world I'm bringing you into 而这个世界,我领你进入

I hope I'm the one. 我希望我是一个。

Now I may not have lived my life to show you what's wrong and right. 现在,我可能不会住我的生命来告诉你什么是错的,正确的。

All I want to show you that life can be all 我只想告诉你,生活可以是全部


Right or wrong I'll get it right this time. 对还是错了,我马上就这一次。

All along you'll know that you are mine. 一直以来,你就会知道,你是我的。


Don't be scared it will all turn out just fine. 不要害怕,它都将变成就好了。

I'll protect you from everything in life 我会保护你的生活中的一切

When you need to hide. 当你需要隐藏。

Now I may not have lived my life to show you what's wrong and right. 现在,我可能不会住我的生命来告诉你什么是错的,正确的。

All I want to show you that life can be all 我只想告诉你,生活可以是全部


Right or wrong I'll get it right this time. 对还是错了,我马上就这一次。

All along you'll know that you are mine. 一直以来,你就会知道,你是我的。

Right or wrong I'll get it right this time. 对还是错了,我马上就这一次。

Here or gone you'll know that you are mine. 这里还是走了,你就会知道,你是我的。


Don't be scared now. 现在不要害怕。

I'll protect you. 我会保护你的。

Live your life 你的生命

I'll be there for you. 我会在那等你。


Right or wrong I'll get it right this time. 对还是错了,我马上就这一次。

All along you'll know that you are mine, all mine. 一直以来,你就会知道,你是我的,都是我的。

Right or wrong I'll get it right this time. 对还是错了,我马上就这一次。

All along you'll know that you are mine. 一直以来,你就会知道,你是我的。

Right or wrong I'll get it right this time. 对还是错了,我马上就这一次。

Here or gone you'll know that you are mine, all mine. 这里还是走了,你就会知道,你是我的,都是我的。

歌词 Right Or Wrong 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/right-or-wrong-5/