歌词 "Right In The Palm Of Your Hand" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Right In The Palm Of Your Hand



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

A willing woman 一个愿意的女人

A willing man 一个愿意的人

A five room house 一个五居室的房子

And a wedding band 和结婚戒指

Believers believers 信徒信徒

Once it begins 一旦开始

You know it don't take long 你知道它不会需要很长时间

Til like two people in a heartbreak song 直到就像两个人在一个心碎的歌

I wonder........ I wonder 我不知道........我不知道


well Ain't it just like a woman 是不是还有它就像一个女人

And ain't it just like a man 而不是它就像一个男人

Chasin the rainbow and looking for love 追赶彩虹和寻找爱情

When it's right in the palm of your hand 当它的权利在你的手掌

When it's right in the palm of your hand 当它的权利在你的手掌


Can't take back those things we said 不能收回的那些东西,我们说

So we watch it pass in seperate beds 所以,我们看它传递单独的床

Changing... were changing 改变...正在改变

too little love and too much pride 太少的爱和太多的骄傲

You won't give in and neither will I 你不会让步,我也不会

like children ... children 喜欢孩子......孩子


Well ain't it just like a woman 以及是不是就像一个女人

And ain't it just like a man 而不是它就像一个男人

Chasing the rainbow and looking for love 追逐彩虹,寻找爱情

When it's right in the palm of your hand 当它的权利在你的手掌

When it's right in the palm of your hand 当它的权利在你的手掌


Feet on the floor holding my head 在地板上的脚抱着我的头

Sitting alone on the side of the bed 在床边独坐

ive been thinking ... thinking 我一直在想......在想

Trying to find where we went wrong 试图找出到底是哪出了错

I just turned around and you were gone 我刚一转身,你都不见了

it's over... it's over 它结束了......一切都结束了


Well ain't it just like a woman 以及是不是就像一个女人

And ain't it just like a man 而不是它就像一个男人

Chasing the rainbow and looking for love 追逐彩虹,寻找爱情

When it's right in the palm of your hand 当它的权利在你的手掌


and Ain't it just like a woman 而不是它就像一个女人

And ain't it just like a man 而不是它就像一个男人

Chasing the rainbow and looking for love 追逐彩虹,寻找爱情

When it's right in the palm of your hand 当它的权利在你的手掌

When it's right in the palm of your hand 当它的权利在你的手掌

歌词 Right In The Palm Of Your Hand 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/right-in-the-palm-of-your-hand/

歌词 Right In The Palm Of Your Hand 的作者与版权信息:


Bob Mcdill


Polygram Int. Publishing Inc., Ranger Bob Music