歌词 "Ridin' In My Car" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Ridin' In My Car


歌词相关歌手:SHE & HIM

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Remember last summer when we had the chance 还记得去年夏天的时候,我们有机会

To find each other, start makin' romance? 找到对方,启动金浪漫?

It didn't come off, 'cause you found another 它没有来过,因为你找到了另一个

Without one hand of the clock, what good is the other? 没有时钟的一方面,有什么好是其他?


And I can't find no true love, oh, baby, it's so hard 我无法找到任何真正的爱,哦,宝贝,这是如此艰难

And I still think about you every time I'm ridin' in my car (Ridin' in my car) 而我每一次我坐车的我的车(坐车还是想你在我的车)


So I went to the place where everybody hangs out 所以我去的地方每个人都挂出

To see what everybody was talkin' about 要查看每个人都在说约

And over in the corner, all alone with you 而在角落里,独自一人与你

Was the boy from last summer singin' songs to you 从去年夏天,男孩唱着歌给你


And he can't sing what I can sing, oh, it's so hard 他不能唱什么我可以唱,呵呵,这是如此艰难

And I still think about you every time I'm ridin' in my car (Ridin' in my car) 而我每一次我坐车的我的车(坐车还是想你在我的车)


When I'm home alone, I can think of other things to do 当我独自一人在家,我能想到的其他事情要做

But when I'm rollin' in forward motion, I think about only you 但是,当我在向前运动罗林 ,我想只有你


It's been a year and a day since I talked to you 这是一个一年,因为我跟你每天

I don't know how I made it, but I sure have been blue 我不知道我该怎么做,但我肯定一直蓝

Every time I think of what might have been 每当我想到的是什么可能是

I jump in my car and start ridin' again 我跳我的车,并开始坐车再


And I can't find no true love, oh, baby, it's so hard 我无法找到任何真正的爱,哦,宝贝,这是如此艰难

And I still think about you every time I'm ridin' in my car (Ridin' in my car) 而我每一次我坐车的我的车(坐车还是想你在我的车)


I can't find no true love, oh, baby, it's so hard 我无法找到任何真正的爱,哦,宝贝,这是如此艰难

And I still think about you every time I'm ridin' in my car (Ridin' in my car) 而我每一次我坐车的我的车(坐车还是想你在我的车)

歌词 Ridin' In My Car 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/ridin_-in-my-car/

歌词 Ridin' In My Car 的作者与版权信息:


Keith Ainsley Anderson


Embassy Music Corporation