歌词 "Ride On" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Ride On


English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

It's another lonely evenin' 这是另一种孤独的evenin '

In another lonely town 在另一个寂寞的小镇

But I ain't too young to worry 但是,我是不是太年轻了,担心

And I ain't too old to cry 我是不是太老了,哭

When a woman gets me down 当一个女人使我难受

Got another empty bottle 有另外一个空瓶子

And another empty bed 而另一家空床

Ain't too young to admit it 是不是太年轻了,承认这一点

And I'm not too old to lie 而且我不是太老说谎

I'm just another empty head 我只是一个空的头

That's why I'm lonely 这就是为什么我很寂寞

I'm so lonely 我好寂寞

But I know what I'm gonna do 但我知道我该怎么办

I'm gonna ride on 我在要骑

Ride on

Ride on, standing on the edge of the road 骑,站在马路边上

Ride on, thumb in the air 骑,拇指在空气中

Ride on, one of these days I'm gonna 骑,有一天我会

Ride on, change my evil ways 骑,改变我的恶行

Till then I'll just keep ridin' on 在那之前我就继续坐车上

Broke another promise 打破了另一个承诺

And I broke another heart 和我分手的另一个心脏

But I ain't too young to realize 但是,我是不是太年轻了,实现

That I ain't too old to try 那我是不是太老了,尝试

Try to get back to the start 试着回到开始

And it's another redlight nightmare 它的另一个红灯噩梦

Another redlight street 另一个红灯街

And I ain't too old to hurry 我是不是太老了,快点

Cause I ain't too old to die 因为我是不是老得不行了

But I sure am hard to beat 但我肯定是很难被击败

But I'm lonely 但是我很寂寞

Lord I'm lonely 主啊,我很孤独

What am I gonna do 我该怎么办

Ride on

Ride on, got myself a one-way ticket 骑,给自己买了单程机票

Ride on

Ride on, going the wrong way 骑,走错路

Ride on, gonna change my evil ways 骑,会改变我的恶行

Ride on, one of these days 骑,有一天

One of these days 某一天

Ride on

Ride on

I'm gonna ride on 我在要骑

Ride on, looking for a truck 骑,找车

Ride on, hmmmm 骑,嗯

Ride on, keep on riding 骑,继续骑

Riding on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on 骑在和和和和和和和

Ride on, gonna have myself a good time 骑,就要有自己的好时机

Ride on, ohh yeah 骑,留在我身边啊

Ride on, yeah yeah 骑,耶,耶

Ride on, one of these days 骑,有一天

Ride on, one of these days 骑,有一天

歌词 Ride On 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/ride-on/

歌词 Ride On 的作者与版权信息:


Angus Mckinnon Young, Malcolm Mitchell Young, Ronald Belford Scott, Angus Young, Malcolm Young


Albert J Son Pty Publ Ltd., J Albert And Son Pty Ltd.