歌词 "Ribbons Down My Back" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Ribbons Down My Back



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Irene Molly:] [艾琳莫莉: ]

I'll be wearing ribbons down my back this summer 我会穿丝带把我背在今年夏天

Blue & Green and streaming in the yellow sky 蓝色和绿色,并在流黄色的天空

So if someone special comes my way this summer 所以,如果有人专门来我的方式在今年夏天

He might notice me passing by 他可能会注意到我路过

And so I'll try to make it easier to find me 所以,我会尽量使其更容易找到我

In the silliness of July 在七月的愚蠢

Because a breeze might stir a rainbow up behind me 因为微风可以挑起一道彩虹在我身后

That might happen to catch the gentleman's eye 这可能碰巧赶上了绅士的眼睛

And he might smile and take me by the hand 他可能会微笑着把我的手

This summer 这个夏天

Making me recall how lovely love can be 让我想起爱情多么可爱可

And so I will proudly wear 所以,我会骄傲地穿

Ribbons down my back 彩带顺着我的背

Shining in my hair 闪耀在我的头发

That he might notice me! 他可能会注意到我!

歌词 Ribbons Down My Back 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/ribbons-down-my-back/