歌词 "Restless Farewell" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Restless Farewell


歌词相关歌手:BAEZ, JOAN

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Oh all the money that in my whole life I spent 哦,一切在我的整个生活,我花的钱

Be it mine right or wrongfully 无论是煤矿的权利,不得侵占

I'd let it slip gladly past the hands of my friends 我会让它溜走欣然过去我朋友的手

To tie up the time most forcefully 绑的时候最强烈

But the bottles are done, we've killed each one 但瓶子都做了,我们已经杀死了每一个

And the table is full and overflowed 和表满并溢出

And the corner sign says it's closing time 和角牌子上写着它的关闭时间

So I'll bid farewell and be down the road 因此,我将告别,并在路上


Oh every boy that ever I've touched 哦,是有史以来我感动了每一个男孩

I did not do it harmfully 我没有这样做有害

And every boy that ever I've hurt 和每一个男孩是有史以来我伤害了

I did not do it knowingly 我没有做故意

But to remain as friends, you need the time 但仍然是朋友,你所需要的时间

To make amends and stay behind 为了弥补和留守

And since my feet are now fast 而且因为我的脚现在已经快

And point away from the past 和指向远离过去

I'll bid farewell and be down the line 我告别,并下了线


Oh every foe that ever I faced 哦,每一个敌人是有史以来我面对

The cause was there before we came 原因是那里之前,我们来了

And every cause that ever I fought 和以往我打每一个事业

I fought it full without regret or shame 我打它完全没有遗憾或羞愧

But the dark does die as the curtain is drawn 但暗并死亡的帘子被

And somebody's eyes must meet the dawn 和别人的眼睛必须符合黎明

And if I see the day I'd only have to stay 如果我有一天我只需要留

So I'll bid farewell in the night and be gone 因此,我将告别在夜里消失


Oh a false clock tries to tick out my time 哦,假时钟试图剔掉我的时间

To disgrace, distract and bother me 丢尽,分散和打扰我

And the dirt of gossip blows into my face 和八卦的污物吹我的脸

And the dust of rumors covers me 和谣言的灰尘覆盖了我

But if the arrow is straight and the point is slick 但如果箭头是直的,而点是光滑

It can pierce through the dust no matter how thick 它可以通过防尘无论捅破有多厚

So I'll make my stand and remain as I am 所以,我会让我的立场,并继续担任我

And bid farewell and not give a damn 告别并不在乎

歌词 Restless Farewell 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/restless-farewell/

歌词 Restless Farewell 的作者与版权信息:


Bob Dylan


Special Rider Music