[Nikki's grandfather:] hey, everybody! Nikki had his first day of school today! [尼克的爷爷:嘿,大家好!尼克有学校今天的第一天!
[everybody:] oh, yeah, good nikki that's great. Respect! [大家: ]哦,是啊,好尼克这是伟大的。尊重!
[NG:] how ya doin Nikki? [吴: ]怎么雅干什么尼克?
[Nikki:] well, okay grandpa [尼克: ]好吧,好吧爷爷
[everyone:] oh, good he's okay. showin the respect. Respect! [大家: ]哦,好,他没事。舒的尊重。尊重!
[NG:(lights cigarette)] hey, Nikki tell us about your first day of school [吴: (灯烟) ]嘿,尼克告诉我们学校的第一天
[N:] School good! We do fingerpainting, [N : ]学校好!我们做fingerpainting ,
[ev:] oh, yeah, you gotta respect the fingerpainting. Yeah, respect the fingerpaint. Respect the smearing. [曝光: ]哦,对了,你得尊重fingerpainting 。是的,尊重fingerpaint 。尊敬的拖尾现象。
[NG:] alright, tell us some more Nikki! [吴: ]好吧,告诉我们一些日记!
[N:] we make pla-do, [N : ]我们做PLA -DO ,
[ev:] oh, you gotta love the pla-do. Respect the pla-do. give full respect to the pla-do. You put it, you roll it around, you show it respect. [曝光: ]哦,你得爱解放军-DO 。尊重解放军-DO 。充分尊重解放军待办事项。你穿上它,你在地上滚,你表现出来的尊重。
[NG:] alright, did you smell the pa-do? [吴: ]好吧,你有没有闻到PA -DO ?
[N:] pla-do smell good! [N : ] PLA -DO好闻!
[ev:] oh, you gotta respect the smell [曝光: ]哦,你得尊重气味
[Sammy:] it's squishy! It's squishy! [森美: ]这是粘糊糊的!这是粘糊糊的!
[old men:] of course it's squishy, he knows it's squishy, it's pla-do. What are you, a moron? Sammy, shut the fuck up! My god, he's an idiot! [老男人: ]当然这是粘糊糊的,他知道这是粘糊糊的,它的PLA -DO 。什么是你的,傻瓜?森美,他妈的闭嘴!我的天啊,他是个白痴!
[NG:] tell grandpa some more [吴: ]告诉爷爷多一些
[N:] we have cookies and milk too! [N : ]我们饼干和牛奶呢!
[ev.:] oh, you gotta respect the cookies and milk. [scattered laughter] I respect cookies! Who doesn't respect cookies?! [曝光: ]哦,你得尊重饼干和牛奶。 [散笑]我尊重饼干!谁不尊重饼干?
[NG:] did you dunk it in the milk? [吴: ]你扣篮它的奶呢?
[N:] I dunk the cookie [N ]我扣篮的饼干
[ev:] oh, you gotta respect the dunking. yeah. Ya gotta dunk it. Dunking's good. Respect the milk! [曝光: ]哦,你得尊重扣篮。是啊。雅得扣篮吧。扣篮的好。尊重牛奶!
[N:] I like soggy cookies! [N : ]我喜欢潮湿的饼干!
[Sammy:] respect the milk! [森美: ]尊敬的牛奶!
[om:] why, you fuckin moron. You must be an idiot! I just fuckin said that! You idiot! [ OM : ]所以,你他妈的白痴。你一定是个白痴!我只是他妈的说!你这个白痴!
[NG:] what else, nikki? [吴: ]还有什么,尼克?
[N:] teacher read us 3 little pigs! [N : ]老师给我们读了3头小猪!
[ev:] oh, yeah respect the pigs. respect the bricks. Big respect for the pigs. You respect the pigs, they'll respect you. [曝光: ]哦,对尊重的猪。尊敬的砖块。对于猪大尊。你尊重了猪,他们会尊重你。
[S:] don't respect the wolf! [S : ]不尊重狼!
[om:] Sammy, jump in front of a fuckin truck! You shut the fuck up sammy! Every single word that comes out of your fuckin mouth is so disrespectful! [ OM : ]森美,跳他妈的卡车前面!你他妈的闭嘴森美!每一个字所散发出来的你他妈的嘴是如此不敬!
[NG:] what else, Nikki? [吴: ]还有什么,尼克?
[N:] well, I play on the playground, and I swing on the monkey bars... [N : ]好吧,我在操场上玩,我摇摆的单杠上...
[ev.:] oh, you gotta respect those monkey bars, man. gotta love thos monkey bars. And show the respect. [曝光: ]哦,你得尊重那些猴子吧,伙计。得爱茨艾伦单杠。并显示尊重。
[N:(throughout chatter)] A boy pushed me off the see-saw. [N : (整个唠) ]一个男孩把我推了拉锯。
[NG:] Quiet! quiet, everybody! What did you say? [吴: ]安静!安静,大家好!你说什么?
[N:] A boy pushed me off the see-saw. [N : ]一个男孩把我推到了拉锯。
[NG:] and what is this boy's name? [吴: ]什么是这个男孩的名字?
[N:] his name Donny McMillan [N : ]他的名字唐尼麦克米兰
[ev: (Slams Fist)] he's fuckin dead! He's a fucking dead man, you hear me? I'll fuckin cut his balls off and feed 'em to his fuckin mother! The kid's dead! This little fuck is dead! [ EV : (大满贯拳)他娘死了!他是一个他妈的死男人,你听见了吗?我他妈的把他的球断和饲料'时间到了他的偶像妈妈!孩子死了!这一点他妈的死了!
[NG:] What else, Nikki? [吴: ]还有什么,尼克?
[N:] I kiss a girl on the playground [N ]我吻一个女孩在操场上
[ev:] oh, respect for the young lover. Show respect, show respect. [曝光: ]哦,尊重年轻恋人。尊重,尊重。
[Sammy:] gotta respect the condom! [森美: ]总得尊重避孕套!
[om:] you fuckin moron, what are you talking about a condom you fuckin idiot? he's five fuckin years old! (I'm just sayin!) you fuckin idiot! I'll fuckin put a fuckin condom on your fuckin tombstone! Sammy, you're a moron! [ OM : ]你他妈的白痴,你在谈论一个避孕套,你他妈的白痴?他是5他妈的岁! (我只是在说! ),你他妈的白痴!我他妈的把他娘的避孕套你他妈的墓碑!森美,你是个白痴!
[NG:] tell grandpa some more, Nikki [吴: ]告诉爷爷一些,尼克
[N:] We sing the alphabet song! [N : ]我们唱字母歌!
[ev.:] Oh, you gotta respect the alphabet song. It's a good song! It's a good song, it helps you remember! You gotta respect it! Yeah, you gotta respect it! [曝光: ]哦,你得尊重字母歌。这是一首好歌!这是一个很好的歌曲,它可以帮助你记住!你必须尊重它!是的,你必须尊重它!
[NG:] okay, let's hear you sing the song! [吴: ]好吧,让我们来听你唱这首歌!
[S:] learnin- [S : ] learnin-
[om:] sammy, shutup! [ OM : ]森美, shutup !
[N:] ok: [N : ] OK :
[Starts singing very off-tone] [开始唱歌非常关音]
A, A,
B, B,
C, C,
[om:] oh, respect! [ OM : ]哦,尊敬!
D, D,
E, E,
[om:] respect! [ OM : ]的敬意!
F, 楼
G, G,
[Sammy:] oh, you gotta respect the song! [森美: ]哦,你得尊重这首歌!
[om:] sammy, shut the fuck up! He's fuckin trying to sing a fuckin song here, you moron! show a little respect! [ OM : ]森美,他妈的闭嘴!他他妈的想在这里唱了歌他妈的,你个笨蛋!表现出一点尊重!
H, H,
I, 我
J, Ĵ ,
[om:] oh, you gotta show respect. [ OM : ]哦,你得尊重。
K, K,
L, L时,
M, 男,
N, N,
O, O,
P, 磷,
[om:] respect, respect, respect, respect! Oh, they always go together [ OM : ]尊敬,尊重,尊重,尊重!哦,他们总是一起去
Q, Q,
R, R,
[om:] oh, you gotta show the respect [ OM : ]哦,你得表现出的尊重
S, S,
T, T,
U, U,
V, 五,
[om:] oh, respect the v. good letter. [ OM : ]哦,尊重采用V佳信。
W, W,
X, X,
Y, Y,
and Z! 和Z !
[om:] oh, respect the completion. You gotta show respect for the kid, he's a smart one! [ OM : ]哦,尊敬的完成。你要尊重孩子,他是一个聪明的!
[N:] now I know my abc's- [N : ]现在我知道我abc's-
[ev.:] alright, we know the song. Alright, it's getting a little long. Let's move on. [曝光: ]好吧,我们知道这首歌。好吧,它变得有点长。让我们继续前进。
[NG:] you do good in the spelling bee? [吴: ]你在拼字比赛好?
[N:] I can spell, grandpa! [N ]我可以拼写,爷爷!
[ev:] ah, respect the confidence! The kid can spell! Just like his grandfather his grandfather can spell! [曝光: ]啊,尊敬的信心!孩子可以拼!就像他的祖父,他的祖父能拼!
[NG:] Okay, I'm gonna spell you something right now, and you tell me what I'm spellin okay? [吴: ]好吧,我会的法术,你的东西,现在,你告诉我什么我spellin好吗?
[N:] okay grandpa [N : ]好吧爷爷
[NG:] okay, nikki? [吴: ]好吧,尼克?
[N:] okay, granpa [N : ]好吧, granpa
[NG:] you ready for this? [吴: ]你准备好了吗?
[N:] okay, granpa [N : ]好吧, granpa
[NG:] are you ready for this? [吴: ]你准备好了吗?
[N:] alright, grandpa! [N : ]好吧,爷爷!
[NG:] Alright, here we go! [吴: ]好吧,我们开始吧!
[Old man:] R! [老人: ]读!
[OM:] E! [ OM : ]电子邮件!
[OM:] S! [ OM : ] S !
[OM:] P! [ OM : ] P的!
[S:] S! [S : ] S !
[om:] what the fuck, s? Sammy what's fuckin wrong with you?!! You fuckin idiot! Where'd you learn to fuckin spell?!... [ OM : ]什么他妈的,S ?森美什么是他妈的怎么了? !你他妈的白痴!你要学会他妈的拼哪儿了? ! ...
[NG:] alright my little angel, we're gonna spell the word for you again, and you're gonna tell grandpa what we're spellin, alright? Here we go, [吴: ]好吧我的小天使,我们会再次拼写单词的你,你会告诉爷爷什么我们spellin ,好吗?开始了,
[N:] Okay! [N : ]好吧!
[NG:] and Sammy, you're gonna keep your fuckin trap shut! [吴: ]和森美,你会保持你他娘的陷阱关!
[S:] consider it done! [S : ]认为这是完成了!
[OM:] R! [ OM : ]读!
[OM:] E! [ OM : ]电子邮件!
[OM:] S! [ OM : ] S !
[OM:] P! [ OM : ] P的!
[OM:] E! [ OM : ]电子邮件!
[OM:] C! [ OM : ] !C
[OM:] T! [ OM : ] T, !
[N:] uuuh,.....respect! [N : ] uuuh , .....敬意!
[ev:] respect! He got it, the kid's got it! He's one of us! He's got it! [曝光: ]尊敬!他得到了它,孩子的了吧!他是我们的一员!他知道了!
Respect! 尊重!
Respect! 尊重!
Respect! 尊重!
Respect! 尊重!
Respect! 尊重!
Respect! 尊重!
Respect! 尊重!
Respect! 尊重!
Respect! 尊重!
[chant fades] [呗衰]
歌词 Respect 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:
- Joining The Cult
- Respect
- Ode To My Car
- The Excited Southerner Orders A Meal
- The Goat
- The Chanukah Song
- The Excited Southerner Gets Pulled Over
- The Hypnotist
- Steve Polychronopolous
- The Excited Southerner At A Job Interview
- Do It For Your Mama
- Crazy Love
- The Excited Southerner Meets Mel Gibson
- The Adventures Of The Cow
- Dip Doodle
- The Excited Southerner Proposes To A Woman
- Memory Lane
- Mr. Bake-O
- Sex Or Weight Lifting
- What The Hell Happened To Me?
- 相关歌词
- Repeat Offender
- Texas Blood Money
- A Little Respect
- Respect Her Hustle
- Respect It Or Check It
- The Respect Chant
- Can't Hold Us Down
- Finale
- Heart
- Gangsta Shit
- 推荐歌词
- More Than That
- I'm Gettin' Money
- Cabron
- Will You Visit Me On Sunday
- You'll Never Know
- Here Comes The Pain
- Be Careful, It's My Heart
- Look Back At Me
- Spanish Coast
- Lixo E O Luxo
- N.L. Party
- Something To Be
- The New Wild West
- Day One
- Dreams Of Our Fathers
- Get Up, Stand Up
- Trigger Finger
- If I Fell
- It's All Gravy
- In The Mall
- "Respect" lyrics are property and copyright of their owners."Respect" lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only.
- 歌词 "Respect" 的所有者拥有该歌词的产权和版权。仅供教育目的且仅限个人使用。
- 歌词 "Respect" 的中文对照翻译版本由本站整理完成,仅供学习参考,对于其中的错误本站不承担任何责任。