歌词 "Remains Of Summer Memories" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Remains Of Summer Memories



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

All these days 所有的这些日子

I'll forever cherish 我会永远珍惜

In the confines of my heart 在我的心脏局限

The faces of ten years ago 十年前的面孔

Like fingerprints on my heart 像我的心脏指纹

How can I breathe 我怎么能呼吸

When fear chokes my every breath? 如果怕呛我的每一次呼吸?

How can I balance 我怎么能平衡

Six inches from death? 六英寸死亡?

Now, the momentum we've created 现在,我们的势头已经创建

Comes to a screeching halt 来个急刹车

This angel comes crashing down 这天使自带轰然倒下

On her hands and knees she crawls 她的手和膝盖,她爬

How can I breathe 我怎么能呼吸

When fear chokes my every breath? 如果怕呛我的每一次呼吸?

How many of your lies 有多少你的谎言

Will I be fed? 我会喂?

The remains of summer memories 夏天的回忆遗体

Spent so far away 花了这么远

Free from the fear or jealousy 免于恐惧或嫉妒

That plagues our lives today 今天困扰我们的生活

Now that promises we're broken 既然承诺我们正在打破

Enemies were made 敌人作了

We spend our precious time pointing fingers 我们花了宝贵的时间千夫指

Trying to place the blame 试图把责任都推

The remains of what's left 什么剩下的遗体

Of our past 我们的过去

Of a future yet to come 未来的还没有到来

Of the battles that we've lost 我们已经失去了战斗

And the fights that we have won 而且,我们已经赢得了战斗

歌词 Remains Of Summer Memories 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/remains-of-summer-memories/

歌词 Remains Of Summer Memories 的作者与版权信息:


Brandon Barnes, Joseph Principe, Timothy Mcilrath


Sony/ATV Tunes LLC, Transistor Revolt