歌词 "Reflections" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



歌词相关歌手:FOR TODAY

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

What have we done? What have we become? 我们做了什么?有什么我们变成什么?

A broken mirror reflecting only darkness. 阿破镜反射的只是一片黑暗。

Disrupted visions and closed off hearts; 扰乱视觉和封闭的心灵;

We've turned our face away from those we're sent to love. 我们已经把我们的脸离那些我们送到爱。


But now I hear your voice calling me back home. 但现在我听到你的声音在呼唤我回家。

It isn't over yet. 这还没有结束。

Bringing hope into our hopelessness; 把希望变成了我们的绝望;

Turning hearts from stone to flesh. 谈到心中的石头肉。


In a world headed for self destruction, the answer is here. 在自我毁灭为首的世界里,答案就在这里。

Are we too blind to see it? 我们是否过于盲目看吗?

In a world headed for self destruction, the answer is here. 在自我毁灭为首的世界里,答案就在这里。

Are we too blind to see it? 我们是否过于盲目看吗?

歌词 Reflections 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/reflections-6/