歌词 "Raydiation Intro" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Raydiation Intro


歌词相关歌手:RAY J

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[Beat] [节拍]

Yea welcome to my life (raydiation) 是啊,欢迎到我的生活( raydiation )

city of carson thats where i grew up (yea) 卡森市的这就是我长大的地方(是啊)

thats where i knew of (the view) thats all i knew of (yea) 多数民众赞成在我知道的(看法)这就是我所知道的(是啊)

in kindegarten until i got out of skoo i started to hang with the fools i went from here to bad news. 在kindegarten ,直到我离开skoo我开始挂带我去从这里到坏消息的阿斗。

then ma sister started to blow up i saw the money just go up but i hardly saw her and my mother i used to 然后马大姐开始吹起来,我看到了钱刚上去,但我几乎没有看见她,我的母亲,我来

hang round the corner i felt like i was a loner but i got love for my homies 挂在拐角处我觉得我是一个孤独的人,但我有爱我的家人

i started changin flirtin with gang bangin had the hook up on ol' skoo so everyday i was out hangin and 我开始起了变化勾引与团伙bangin有勾起来OL “ skoo所以我每天都在外面和犹豫不决

then i heard gun shots they aimin at my head and thats when the fun stopped cuz next i might be dead i 然后我听到枪声,他们爱民我的头,这就是当有趣停止的Cuz接下来我可能会死,我

called my mama on the phone said this is your son i need some help im in a whole lot of trouble and cant 打电话给我的妈妈在电话里说,这是你的儿子,我需要一些帮助,即时通讯在一大堆的麻烦和着

get through by myself they shot out a plane and flew me out no doubt i said goodbye to my friends then 打通了自己,他们拍出来的飞机,飞到我出去毫无疑问我告别了我的朋友,然后

disappeared in the clouds they told me ray j you gotta turn yourself around now or throw it all away and 消失在云层,他们告诉我, Ray J的,你得把自己周围现在还是把它全部带走并

lay six feet in the ground 躺在六尺地

im totally focused i gotta move forward i hear my callin this time i just wont ignore it into the future 即时通讯完全集中我得往前走,我听见我的呼唤这个时候,我只是不会忽视它的未来

throw all the past and then you came and you can grow.... 扔过去,然后你来了,你可长....

歌词 Raydiation Intro 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/raydiation-intro/