歌词 "Rap Dis" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Rap Dis



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

[DJ Swiss] [DJ瑞士]


Wanna test s-o that's a NO 要测试S-O这是一个没有

I'm a DJ but I heat up Mic's wen I flow! 我是一个DJ ,但我升温麦克风的文我流!

Spit for real 吐真正

Hit to kill 击杀掉

It gets messy when I grip my steel 它就会变得混乱,当我握我的钢铁


[Scat-D] [斯卡特-D]


Explosive flows like my rapture 像我狂喜爆炸流

Distinctive part on my counter 在我的柜台显着部分

Faster them get pure gon’ capture 他们更快得到纯净的坤捕获

Dropping you like a tonne a bricks 删除你像每吨砖

You son’ a bitch.. 你儿子的婊子..


[DJ Swiss] [DJ瑞士]


I’m dustin’ 我达斯汀

You can catch bullets when the gats are bustin’ 你可以捕捉子弹时, GATS都认真过

Outside Niggaz don't really trust them 外面的兄弟们真的不相信他们

South side niggaz gettin pissed with lust then 南边的兄弟们开始报生气与欲望,然后

So what's the fuss then? 那么,有什么大惊小怪的呢?


[Scat-D] [斯卡特-D]


The way I’m hittin ya 我是地球雅路

2002 Scat-D come through 2002斯卡特-D来通过

Faster then the 88 year from the livia 快则88一年的利维亚

so illia its true no fakin 所以illia其真实不假装

Chicks in my sight and I’m takin’ 在我眼前的小鸡,我要拿回

Straight up and I’m still rakin’ 直起来,我还是rakin “

Chicks wanna talk bout baby-making (huh) 小鸡想谈谈回合的宝宝制作(呵呵)

I'm not into that, fuck that, ladiez keep a kitty-kat 我不是个明白,那他妈的, ladiez保持猫咪,吉


[DJ Swiss] [DJ瑞士]


Hot shit I'm gonna drop shit 热狗屎我要降狗屎

S-o-S...So Solid can't stop dis S-O -S ...所以实不能停止DIS

Flop this 这个翻牌

Playa haterz wanna knock this 普拉亚haterz想敲这

Stop this 停止此

Then niggaz can’t stop this 然后,兄弟们不能阻止这个

Ive got just another person on my hitlist Ive得到只是一个人对我的结果列表

So you dismiss, No witness 所以,你开除,没有证人指证

No business, 'cause I Swiss this 没有生意,因为我这个瑞士

If you knew what I thought you would shit bricks 如果你知道我以为你会狗屁砖

I got big hits 我得到了大热门

I've got dough 我有面团

I didn't even really need to rip dis 我什至没有真正需要的撕裂DIS

But the flows are addictive 但流量是上瘾

Are you feelin tha vibe that I give dis? 难道你感受塔盛传我给DIS ?


[chorus] [合唱]


You cant stop dis shit you know 你不能阻止你知道DIS狗屎

We got chicks, ice, platinum whips & 2 much dough (?) 我们得到了小鸡,冰,铂鞭子和2多的面团( ? )

If u wanna try and have a go 如果妳想要尝试一展身手

Theres 25 of us each loaded with a gat 那里有25个美国各装有一个水道

Hey yo new kaish i got a ya back! 嘿哟新kaish我有一个雅回来了!


[Neutrino] [中微子]


Stuck in... 在坚持...

People from school data fink they're eight-even! 从学校的数据芬克的人,他们是八甚至!

What's the funniest thing I've seen? 什么是我见过的最有趣的事情?

Too explicit so buy the CD 太露骨所以购买CD

It's censored, cus it's too cold! 它的审查, CUS是太冷!

Too cold- S-Club 5... 过冷的S- 5俱乐部...

"Don't stop moving'" “不要停止运动”

I stop every time I 'ear your music. 我停下来,每次我的耳朵的音乐。

How the fuck you get caught like data? 如何他妈的你陷入样的数据?

Cannabis, more like smoking crack! 大麻,更喜欢吸烟的裂缝!

I'm sick these fake MC's, sounding' like Mr Blobby 我已经厌倦了这些假冒三菱商事的,听起来就像滴状先生

Ski-bi-di-bi-di-bi-di 滑雪双二双二双二

Wot da fuck you on, LSD? WOT达他妈的你,迷幻药?

Everything is bigger difference 一切都是较大的差异

Find out the price, get vexed 了解价格,获得烦恼

And then your wifey's, up at da T.V. 然后你wifey的,最高处达T.V.

Wantin' Neuchy, Creamin' her panties- 想从Neuchy , Creamin “她panties-

And wen u diggin her in bed, she picturin me! 而文ü陷她在床上,她picturin我!

I dare ya this ma bout gettin gettin' jacked 我敢说这雅麻回合刚开刚开了劫持

Or I'll break in your house, when I'm dressed in black, and I pull out ma gat! 不然我就在你家休息的时候,我穿着黑色的,我拉出马水道!

Strip ya naked, take your possesions, 脱光赤裸雅,把你的possesions ,

Now thats gettin' jacked, JACKED? 现在,多数民众赞成刚开了劫持,劫持?

I shot myself in the leg, cuz I'm fucking crazy like dat! (Crazy like dat...) 我拍自己的腿,因为我是他妈的疯了像逸! (疯狂的喜欢DAT ...)


[DJ Swiss] [DJ瑞士]


Every…time I make ma dough 每一次......我做马面

Then I make ma dough 然后,我让麻面

Ya can’t hit ma dough ya know 雅打不到马面你知道

I’m gonna make sure I let you know that when I spit my flow 我要确保我要让你知道,当我吐我流

Its for my hits that blow ya know 它为我命中吹你知道

I’m gonna make you know that when we lock down shit 我要让你知道,当我们锁定狗屎

Its long time, its oxide ya know 它很长一段时间,它的氧化亚知道

So when you hear this you feel this, 所以,当你听到这一点,你觉得这个,

This the real shit 这真正的狗屎

It’s time ya know 这时候你知道


[Harvey] [哈维]


So Solid gonna wreck this 因此,固体会破坏这

Wanna rap when im out and I bust this 想说唱即时通讯了,我这个胸围时

To the Ph who wanna test dis 将pH谁想要测试DIS

Up hose get blows when I do this 软管连接获取打击,当我做到这一点

Now….. 现在......

The mad stress that gets in my brain 疯狂的强调,在得到我的大脑

Its never the same 它绝不相同

1 2 1 2

I always take them to the game game 我总是带他们去游戏游戏

The mad things that I do for this 疯狂的事情,我做的这个

Forget the crisp 忘了清脆

Now you know why livin my life is a crisp 现在你知道为什么活着我的生活是一个清晰

I know we got nice things, and we got nice things 我知道我们有很好的东西,而我们得到的好东西

Now I know why you really wanna hate man 现在我知道为什么你真的想讨厌的人

I know we got man, I see my gat man, nice, but still 我知道我们得到的人,我看到我的水道男人,美观大方,但仍

I don’t give a damn man 我不给一个该死的男人

I’m gonna state all my p’s and q’s 我要的状态我所有的P公司和q的

And ma 1’s and 2’s 马1和2的

Just to get to the cruise bruise 只是为了让邮轮挫伤

I’m a hit you with my lyrical chat 我是打你跟我聊天的抒情

Raise the Gat 提高盖特

So SOLID Crew lock that 因此,固体船员锁

I’m gonna hit you with my lyrical flow 我会打你的我的抒情流

Don’t you know when I’m on the mike 难道你不知道,当我在麦克

making my dough ya know 让我的面团你知道

I’m gonna hit you with my lyrical vibe 我会打你的我的抒情氛围

Watch the rhyme, so solid crew oxide 观看韵,所以固体氧化物船员

I’m gonna hit you with my lyrical flow 我会打你的我的抒情流

Don’t you know when I’m on the mike 难道你不知道,当我在麦克

making my dough ya know 让我的面团你知道

I’m gonna hit you with my lyrical vibe 我会打你的我的抒情氛围

Watch the rhyme, so solid crew oxide 观看韵,所以固体氧化物船员


[Chorus] [合唱]


[Scat-D] [斯卡特-D]


Tell me somethin' 告诉我事端

When your rollin; and your ice and your whips 当你的罗林;和你冰冷和你的鞭子

and your trips and your pics and your team 和您的旅行,你的照片和你的团队

You gotta a lot of talk when you don’t walk that way 你得讲了很多,当你不走这样

I heard you guys callin but I don’t see ya play 我听到你们的呼唤,但我没有看到雅玩

Tell me somethin’ 告诉我事端

When your rollin; with ice and your whips 当你的罗林;用冰和你的鞭子

and your trips and your pics and your team 和您的旅行,你的照片和你的团队

You gotta a lot of talk when you don’t walk that way 你得讲了很多,当你不走这样

I heard you guys callin but I don’t see ya play 我听到你们的呼唤,但我没有看到雅玩

Through the years you been livin it up 这些年来,你一直活着起来

Your back but your filling it up, living it up 你回来,但你填起来,活起来

It’s time for my giving up, no way, no way 现在是时候为我放弃了,没办法,没办法

So Solid made haters pray 因此,固体制成的仇敌祷告

Pushed up before then we tumbled down the hill 在此之前,推高了我们滚下了山坡

Runaway...no way...runaway...no way 暴走......没办法......暴走......没办法

歌词 Rap Dis 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/rap-dis/