歌词 "Ranger's Command" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Ranger's Command


歌词相关歌手:BAEZ, JOAN

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Come all of you cowboys all over this land 来到你的牛仔遍布这片土地

I'll sing you the law of the Ranger's command. 我会唱你的游侠的命令的法律。


To hold a six-shooter and never to run 举办​​六射手,从来没有运行

As long as there's bullets in both of your guns. 只要有子弹的两种枪。


I met a fair maiden whose name I don't know 我遇到了一个美丽少女的名字我不知道

I asked her to the round-up with me would she go. 我问她去圆了我,她会去。


She said she'd go with me to the cold round-up 她说她想和我一起去的冷围捕

And drink that hard liquor from a cold bitter cup. 而喝烈性酒从寒冷的苦杯。


We started for the round-up in the fall of the year 我们开始了一轮,在这一年的秋天

Expecting to get there with a herd of fat steer. 预计到那里脂肪转向的牛群。


When the rustlers broke on us in the dead hour of night 当马贼在夜深人静时打破了我们

She rose from her warm bed a battle to fight. 她从温暖的被窝上涨的仗要打。

She rose from her warm bed with a gun in each hand 她站了起来,从她那温暖的床上,一炮双手各

Saying, "Come all you cowboys, and fight for your land." 他说,“来你的牛仔,并争取你的土地。 ”


Come all of you cowboys, and don't ever run 来吧各位牛仔,并永远不要运行

As long as there's bullets in both of your guns. 只要有子弹的两种枪。

歌词 Ranger's Command 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/ranger_s-command/

歌词 Ranger's Command 的作者与版权信息:


Woody Guthrie


Ludlow Music Inc. O.B.O. Woody Guthrie Publications