歌词 "Random I Am" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Random I Am



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Every morning, it's a new surprise 每天早晨,这是一个新的惊喜

don't know who I am before I roll the dice 不知道我是谁之前,我摇骰子

the options is the only thing that I decide 该选项是我决定的唯一的事情

you see, I live for the moment now 你看,我现在住的那一刻

I never did before, with all and everything I sweap the floor 我从来没有过,一切和一切,我sweap地板

random I am, I never give a damn about what's gonna happen next 随机的我,我从来没有给一个什么要去下一个该死的发生

my wife and kids they left me and my job is just a memory 我的妻子和孩子们,他们离开了我,我的工作只是一个记忆

but that's the kind of price you've got to pay 但是这是你必须付出的一种代价的

if you're gonna go your own way 如果你会走自己的路

solving problems can be done in many ways 解决问题可以通过多种方式来完成


I don't care, I just roll the dice. 我不在乎,我只是掷骰子。

It's o.k., 'cause I just have to pretend that I am someone else. 这没关系,因为我只是假装我是别人。


Get rid of all the habits now that's the plan 现在就摆脱了所有习惯的计划是这样的

come on and try it and you'll feel grand 来吧,试试吧,你会觉得大

the first step is the hardest step to take 第一步是最难的步骤取

imagination is the only brake 想象力是唯一的制动

just roll the dice and everything will turn out nice 只是掷骰子,一切都将变成美好

you can be who you wanna be 你可以成为你想成为谁

do what you wanna do and do it how you like 做你想做的事,做它,你怎么样

this is my way of getting through the day, but I still don't know. 这是我走过的日子越来越的方式,但我还是不知道。

歌词 Random I Am 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/random-i-am/

歌词 Random I Am 的作者与版权信息:


Mathias Lars Farm, Nikola Sarcevic, Erik Hans Ohlsson, Fredrik Olof Larzon


Air Chrysalis Scandinavia AB