歌词 "Raining In My Heart" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Raining In My Heart



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

The sun is out, the sky is blue 太阳出来了,天空是蓝色的

There's not a cloud to spoil the view 有没有一朵云,惯了看法

But it's raining, raining in my heart 不过,下雨,下雨在我的心脏


The weatherman says clear today 天气预报今天明确表示,

He doesn't know you've gone away 他不知道你已经不在了

And it's raining, raining in my heart 而且下雨,下雨在我的心脏


Oh misery, misery 呵呵苦难,苦难

What's gonna become of me? 什么会成为我的?


I tell my blues they mustn't show 我告诉我的蓝调,不得展示

But soon these tears are bound to flow 但很快这些眼泪肯定要流向

'Cos it's raining, raining in my heart 因为下雨,下雨在我的心脏


Oh misery, misery 呵呵苦难,苦难

What's gonna become of me? 什么会成为我的?


The sun is out, the sky is blue 太阳出来了,天空是蓝色的

There's not a cloud to spoil the view 有没有一朵云,惯了看法

But it's raining, raining in my heart 不过,下雨,下雨在我的心脏

Raining in my heart 下雨在我的心脏

Raining in my heart 下雨在我的心脏

歌词 Raining In My Heart 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/raining-in-my-heart-1/

歌词 Raining In My Heart 的作者与版权信息:


Felice Bryant, Boudleaux Bryant


Sony/ATV Acuff Rose Music