歌词 "Rainclouds For Eyeballs" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Rainclouds For Eyeballs



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

It's safe to come out now, 它是安全的,现在出来了,

No one is around, 周围没有人,

This sugar coated donut lost its flavor long ago. 这糖衣甜甜圈早就失去了它的味道。

And I just don't know what to think, 我只是不知道在想什么,

When your disguise begins to show. 当你的伪装开始显现。

Now I know, 现在我知道,

I always think to slow. 我总觉得慢。


'Cause I never 因为我从来没有

Thought I would miss 以为我会想念

Our sweet forever 我们永远的甜

Of passion violence 激情暴力

But I can't forget 但我不能忘记

The wretched torment 可怜的煎熬

It's on its noose 这是它的绞索

And hung beneath my ribs 挂下我的肋骨


You're hung beneath my ribs... 你挂下我的肋骨......


Can't you see, 你看不出来,

Can't you see, 你看不出来,

Why can't you see? 你为什么不能看?


My heart is branded, 我的心脏是品牌,

It's all your fault. 这都是你的错。

You're hanging from my ribs, 你挂在我的肋骨,

And I hope you fall. 我希望你跌倒。

My heart is branded, 我的心脏是品牌,

It's all your fault. 这都是你的错。

You're hanging from my ribs, 你挂在我的肋骨,

And I hope you fall... 我希望你跌倒...


'Cause I never 因为我从来没有

Thought I would miss 以为我会想念

Our sweet forever 我们永远的甜

Of passion violence 激情暴力

But I can't forget 但我不能忘记

The wretched torment 可怜的煎熬

It's on its noose 这是它的绞索

And hung beneath my ribs 挂下我的肋骨

歌词 Rainclouds For Eyeballs 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/rainclouds-for-eyeballs-1/