歌词 "Rain On Me" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Rain On Me



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Johnny get up, yea, huh 约翰尼起来,是啊,呵呵

Johnny get up stand up, yea 约翰尼起床站起来,是啊

Broken-hearted story to tell 心碎的故事

A dream gone down in the wishing well 哆啦A梦的许愿井倒地

Young man was suffering deep 年轻男子患深

Lucky, lucky, lucky wouldn't shine 幸运的,幸运的,幸运不会亮

Called her up one day 叫她有一天

So damn sorry out this way 因此,该死的遗憾出局这样

Seen or heard something new from her yet? 看到或听到的东西从她的吗?

"No son, what you go and do this time?" “没有儿子,你去做这个时间呢? ”

It's gonna be like it's gonna be 这会是喜欢它的会是

Cause it's gonna play like it's gonna play 因为它会发挥像它会发挥

Count your blessings one by one 计算你的祝福一一

Baby this time I'm playin' with 宝贝这时候我玩够了

Too much, time on my hands 太多了,我的手时

Saddest song in the band 最悲伤的歌曲在乐队

I don't really understand 我真的不明白

Why it's gonna rain on me again? 为什么它在我会又下雨了?

Was I born with bad luck? 难道我天生运气不好?

My heart's been hit by a truck 我的心脏一直撞了车

Troubled sky clears up 陷入困境的天空放晴

I think it's gonna rain on me again 我认为这是对我会再下雨

Johnny get up yea, 'o Johnny stand up 约翰尼起床啊, O约翰尼站起来

Been rainin' here too long 被RAININ “这里太长时间

Broken-hearted in this song? 心碎的这首歌吗?

Oh baby in this song darlin 宝宝哦,在这首歌亲爱的

In this song 在这首歌曲

Drive your pain, like you drive a knife 驾驶你的痛苦,就像你开的刀

Cut edgy and dull through 切毛躁无光通过

The corners of your life 你生命的角落

Pour me a drink, so I can pour out my heart 我倒饮料,这样我就可以倾诉我的心脏

(Lucky, lucky, lucky won't shine) (幸运的,幸运的,幸运不会亮)

It's Gonna be like it's gonna be 这会是喜欢它的会是

Is it gonna stay like it's gonna stay 难道要留在喜欢它的要留

Count your blessings one by one 计算你的祝福一一

Cause mister this time you're playin' with 原因老总这个时候你玩够了

Too much, time on my hands 太多了,我的手时

Saddest song in the band 最悲伤的歌曲在乐队

I don't really understand 我真的不明白

Why it's gonna rain on me again? 为什么它在我会又下雨了?

Baby, was I born with bad luck? 宝贝,我是不是天生的坏运气?

My heart's been hit by a truck 我的心脏一直撞了车

Troubled sky clears up 陷入困境的天空放晴

I think it's gonna rain on me again 我认为这是对我会再下雨

Since you walked out the door 既然你走出门

I'm fightin' a one-sided war 我是格斗一边倒的战争

I can't take it no more 我不能再继续

It's gonna rain on me again 这对我会再下雨

Johnny get up, stand up 约翰尼起床,翻身

Johnny don't you ever give up 约翰尼永远也不要放弃

Rainin' here too long RAININ “这里太长时间

Broken-hearted in this song? 心碎的这首歌吗?

Oh baby in this song 宝宝哦,在这首歌

Oh darlin' in this song 哦,亲爱的,在这首歌

(Too much, time on my hands (太多了,我的手时

Saddest song in the band 最悲伤的歌曲在乐队

Gonna rain on me again 在我会又下雨了

Was he born with bad luck 是他用坏运气诞生

His hearts been hit by a truck 他的心被击中一辆卡车

Rain on me again) 雨在我身上了)

Since you walked out the door 既然你走出门

I'm fightin' a one-sided war 我是格斗一边倒的战争

I can't take it no more 我不能再继续

I think It's gonna rain on me again 我觉得这是对我会再下雨

Too much, time on my hands 太多了,我的手时

Too much, time on my hands 太多了,我的手时

Oh no, no 哦,不,不

(Gonna rain on me again) (对我要去下雨了)

Oh na, na, na 哦,呐,呐,呐

(Gonna rain on me again) (对我要去下雨了)

Oh yea 哦,是啊

(Rain on me again) (对我又下雨了)

Johnny get up yea 约翰尼起床啊

Stand up, stand up, just get up 站起来,站起来,刚起床

Oh no 哦,不

Take a small journey away from the clouds 取一小程从云

Take a small journey away from the clouds 取一小程从云

Johnny what you need is some shelter beneath the quite sky 约翰尼,你需要的是相当天空下的一些住所

Oh Johnny get up yea-ea 哦,约翰尼起床啊, EA

(Rain on me again) (对我又下雨了)

(Na, na, na). (呐,呐,呐) 。

歌词 Rain On Me 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/rain-on-me-4/

歌词 Rain On Me 的作者与版权信息:


Corey Hart


Keep On Music