歌词 "Rain" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译


歌词相关歌手:CORRS, THE

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Going crazy in the middle of the night 快要疯了,在半夜

Slipping, sliding into heavenly bliss... 打滑,滑向天上的幸福...

Fallen angel spinning from the light 堕落天使从轻盈纺

Slipping, sliding into heavenly lace... 打滑,滑向天上的花边...


But it's all, it's alright now 但是,这一切,这是正常的,现在

'Cos we're living for this night for so long now 因为我们生活在这个夜晚了这么久,现在

Yes it's all, it's alright 是的,它是一切,这是正常的


We are living on hope, we are living on life 我们生活在希望中,我们生活在生活中

Depending on truth until the day we die 根据事实,直到我们死去的那天

We are living on hope, we are living on life 我们生活在希望中,我们生活在生活中

Depending on truth until the day we die 根据事实,直到我们死去的那天


Lost and lazy, floating through the dawn 失物招领慵懒,通过曙光浮动

And twisting, turning, in a hazy mist... 和扭曲,旋转,在朦胧的雾气......

Guardian angel of silver and ice 银和冰的守护天使

Sweeping, sinking in a stream of light... 扫地,沉光流...


But it's all, (alright...) it's alright now 但是,这一切都, (好吧...... )这是正常的,现在

'Cos we're living for this night for so long now 因为我们生活在这个夜晚了这么久,现在

Yes it's all, (alright...) it's alright 是的,它是一切, (好吧...... ),这是正常的


We are living on hope, we are living on life 我们生活在希望中,我们生活在生活中

Depending on truth until the day we die 根据事实,直到我们死去的那天

We are living on hope, we are living on life 我们生活在希望中,我们生活在生活中

Depending on truth until the day we die 根据事实,直到我们死去的那天


[Violin solo] [小提琴独奏]


But it's all, it's alright now 但是,这一切,这是正常的,现在

'Cos we're living for this night for so long now 因为我们生活在这个夜晚了这么久,现在

Yes it's all, it's alright 是的,它是一切,这是正常的


We are living on hope, we are living on life 我们生活在希望中,我们生活在生活中

Depending on truth until the day we die 根据事实,直到我们死去的那天

We are living on hope, we are living on life 我们生活在希望中,我们生活在生活中

Depending on truth until the day we die 根据事实,直到我们死去的那天


[Fade out] [淡出]

歌词 Rain 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/rain-39/

歌词 Rain 的作者与版权信息:


Michael Holbrook Penniman, Sharon Corr, Jim Dispirito, Atsushi Miyamoto, John Buynak, Ernest C.Franklin Jr, Jagger Gonzalez, jon T. King, Liz Berlin, Patrick Norman, Jenn Wertz, James Corr, Caroline Corr, Stephen Daniel Endelman, Stephanie Cooke, Chris Paul Basso, Jim Donovan, David Alva, Michael Glabicki, Hakeem T. Seriki, Andrea Jane Corr


Orange Sofa LTD.*TERMINATED*, Beacon Communications Music Co., King Grooves, Songs Of Polygram Int. Inc., Songs Of Universal Inc., Polygram Int. Publishing Inc., Mrx Music, Irving Music Inc., Mika Punch, Universal Music Corp., Off The Top Music, Rusted Root Publishing Inc., Chamillitary Camp Music, Notting Hill Music Inc.