歌词 "Rails" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Hey, lay me down some rails boys 嘿,我躺在了一些轨男孩

don't put me in jail boys 不要把我在监狱里的男孩

and if I make a little noise 如果我做一点点的噪音

just leave me alone 只留下我一个人


I've been known to party some 我已经知道一些聚会

but I anit never hurt noone 但我ANIT从来没有人受伤

I've been ashamed of what I've done 我一直惭愧我做了什么

especially when I'm stoned 尤其是当我砸死


I've spent most of my life in honest thinking 我在诚实的思想大部分时间我的生活

and I never cared too much for serious drinking 我从来没有关心太多严重的饮用水

marijuana makes my eyes start blinking 大麻让我的眼睛开始闪烁

and incense make my sinuses drain 香让我的鼻窦漏


So, lay me down some rails boys 所以,我躺在了一些轨男孩

don't put me in jail boys 不要把我在监狱里的男孩

and if I make a little noise 如果我做一点点的噪音

just leave me alone 只留下我一个人


I've been known to party some 我已经知道一些聚会

but I anit never hurt noone 但我ANIT从来没有人受伤

I've been ashamed of what I've done 我一直惭愧我做了什么

especially when I'm stoned 尤其是当我砸死


Now women make me think of consolation 现在女人让我觉得安慰

prison makes me think of isolation 监狱让我想到隔离

niggers made me vote for segregation 黑鬼让我投票支持分离

and cocaine makes me hard as a rock 和可卡因让我硬如磐石


So, lay me down some rails boys 所以,我躺在了一些轨男孩

don't put me in jail boys 不要把我在监狱里的男孩

and if I make a little noise 如果我做一点点的噪音

just leave me alone 只留下我一个人


I've been known to party some 我已经知道一些聚会

but I anit never hurt noone 但我ANIT从来没有人受伤

I've been ashamed of what I've done 我一直惭愧我做了什么

especially when I'm stoned 尤其是当我砸死


Well it's hard to work for a dollar a week 那么它很难每周工作一块钱

and the Ku Klux Klan is bigger 和三K党是大

so take the sheets of of your bed 所以把你的床的床单

and let's go hang a nigger 并让我们去挂一个黑人


And lay me down some rails boys 和躺下的一些轨男孩

don't put me in jail boys 不要把我在监狱里的男孩

and if I make a little noise 如果我做一点点的噪音

just leave me alone 只留下我一个人


I've been known to party some 我已经知道一些聚会

but I anit never hurt noone 但我ANIT从来没有人受伤

I've been ashamed of what I've done 我一直惭愧我做了什么

especially when I'm stoned 尤其是当我砸死

歌词 Rails 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/rails/

歌词 Rails 所在专辑及曲目:
所在专辑:Other songs
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Take The "A" Train
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Breezin' Along With The Breeze
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The Right To Love
Make A Prayer
Things You Say
Falling Into Ashes
Don't Get Sand In It
Going To The Top
Keep The Candle Burning
Through All That Nothing
Now The World
Just In Case It Happens, Yes Indeed
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Second To No One
Never Enough
Flex 36