歌词 "Quittin' Time" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Quittin' Time

Quittin “时代


English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Hey baby tell me what we're gonna do 嘿,宝贝告诉我我们怎么办

It's getting crazy and I need some help from you 它变得疯狂,我需要一些帮助,从你

We were so connected that you were a part of me 我们是如此相连,你是我的一部分

Now I feel an emptiness right to the heart of me 现在我觉得空虚我的权利的心脏


But you pretend and I pretend 但你假装我假装

That everything is fine 这一切都很好

And though we should be at an end 虽然我们应该在结束

It's so hard admittin' 这是如此艰难admittin “

When it's quittin' time 当它的quittin的时间


Hey baby I'm running out of things to say 嘿,宝贝,我跑出来的东西说

Please don't hate me this feeling just won't go away 请不要恨我,这种感觉不会消失

Now we're spending all our time caught in a fantasy 现在,我们花所有的时间陷入了幻想

Just trying to keep in mind the way it used to be 只是想记住它曾经是这样


But you pretend and I pretend 但你假装我假装

That everything is fine 这一切都很好

And though we should be at an end 虽然我们应该在结束

It's so hard admittin' 这是如此艰难admittin “

When it's quittin' time 当它的quittin的时间


But you pretend and I pretend 但你假装我假装

That everything is fine 这一切都很好

And though we should be at an end 虽然我们应该在结束

It's so hard admittin' 这是如此艰难admittin “

When it's quittin' time 当它的quittin的时间

歌词 Quittin' Time 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/quittin_-time/