歌词 "Quick Is The Beat Of My Heart" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Quick Is The Beat Of My Heart



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

if it's my time to die today 如果这是我的时间现在不行了

please God oh make it fast 请神哦,让它快

balanced on this point for a year and half 在这一点上了一年半的平衡

I just don't think I can last 我不认为我可以持续


there's a man who's laid to rest 还有的是谁奠定一个人休息

the man who gave me my start 谁给我我做起的人

I wish I could quit but I can't and it's rough 我希望我能戒烟,但我不能,它的粗糙

quick is the beat of my heart 快是我的心脏跳动

quick is the beat of my heart 快是我的心脏跳动


so please all you people 所以请你的人

don't you grieve for me 你不烦我

the blood in my veins is black and I can't bleed 血液在我的血管里是黑色的,我可以不流血


I've suffered the pain 我所受的痛苦

and all I can face is the dark 和所有我能面对的是黑暗的

oh, Lord, quick is the beat of my heart 哦,主啊,快是我的心脏跳动

quick is the beat of my heart 快是我的心脏跳动


now my bags are almost packed 现在我的包都几乎座无虚席

the train's about to depart 列车的即将启程

I wish I could quit but I can't and it's rough 我希望我能戒烟,但我不能,它的粗糙

quick is the beat of my heart 快是我的心脏跳动

quick is the beat of my heart 快是我的心脏跳动

quick is the beat of my heart 快是我的心脏跳动

quick is the beat of my heart 快是我的心脏跳动

quick is the beat of my heart 快是我的心脏跳动

quick is the beat of my heart 快是我的心脏跳动


if it's my time to die... 如果是我的时间到死...

歌词 Quick Is The Beat Of My Heart 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/quick-is-the-beat-of-my-heart/