歌词 "Push" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

My God's in hell and all is well 我的上帝在地狱,一切都很好

Stitched up eyes and sickle cell 缝合的眼睛和镰状细胞

I cannot thaw the lack in me 我不能解冻缺乏我

Submerged in demonology but I hope beyond hope 淹没在恶魔,但我希望以后的希望

I will not inflict 我不会造成

The wound that they left when they subtracted six million 他们离开时,他们减去600万的伤口


So why am I repulsed by change? 所以,我为什么要击退变化?

A holy book has been deranged 圣洁的书已经走火入魔

And once a thing of beauty 一旦美的东西

Has been raped and cut to swaths by me 被强奸并切成大片由我

We breed to bloat and come and hate 我们要滋生和膨胀来恨

Have I earned the want to procreate? 有我挣的想生儿育女?

If you're in there, so hear me sing: 如果你在那里,所以听我唱歌:

"I would choke for you, you're everything." “我会呛你,你的一切。 ”


Burned at the stake (push it out) 烧死在火刑柱上(推它)

A gene just a weight (push it out) 基因仅仅是重量(推它)

When the trauma leaks down (push it out) 当创伤泄漏下来(推它)

And the bombs pepper melon sky 和炸弹辣椒甜瓜的天空

Hand on her skin (push it out) 手放在她的皮肤(推它)

The heaving begins (push it out) 波涛起伏的开始(推它)

The pain to which I cling (push it out) 痛到我抱住(推它)

Subsides as a cell divides 消退的细胞分裂


Awaken to her moans and pleas 唤醒她的呻吟声和认罪

Say, "Absent Lord, put strength in me." 说, “不存在主,理会我。 ”

I bend and break the metal bars í弯曲和折断的金属条

I would bleed to know just who you are 我会流血就知道你是谁





(Push) push (push) push (push) push (推)推(推)推(推)推

Push push push push push push push PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH PUSH推送

Push (push) push (push) push (push) push (push) push, push! 推(推)推(推)推(推)推(推)推,推!


There's a cupboard in the parlor with a figure of a man 有一个在客厅一个柜子和一个男人的身影

By the carvings of the tulips and the silhouetted shell 到了郁金香的雕刻和映衬壳

Who sailed a steady harbor with a not-so-steady hand 谁航行稳定的港口,不那么稳定的手

Naked but his Father's former belt he wears so well 赤裸裸的,但他的父亲以前带他穿这么好

There was a swelling in the threshold and a creaking in the floor 有没有在阈值的肿胀和地板发出吱吱

As a thousand thoughtless rhymes assembled on the shelf 正如一千个轻率的押韵组装在货架上

While the Son and Heir of Black Holes, locked inside the drawer 虽然儿子和黑洞的继承人,锁在抽屉里

With eleven Pilgrim Wives, sang "I refuse to be the twelfth!" 有11朝圣妻子,演唱了“我拒绝第十二! ”

So he started on a plan the moment we first touched 于是,他开始了一项计划,我们首先感动的瞬间

(In the sorrow-ridden kiss of our parlor-ridden lives) (在我们的客厅缠身的生命的悲哀缠身的吻)

To be the tangle-coated lamb beneath the crooked brush 是歪刷下的纠结涂层羊肉

Of the Pilgrim's wooden fist until the Chimney-Sweep arrived 朝圣者的木制拳头,直到扫烟囱的到来

While attempting an escape through the broken metal bars 同时通过破碎的金属条试图逃跑

He hid behind the tulips, and when the Lord came near 他躲在郁金香后面,当主走近

I pressed against the face of the apothecary jars 我按对药剂师罐子的脸

And dreamt up a proper ending that I don't assume you'd care to hear 并想出了一个合适的结局,我不认为你会在意听

歌词 Push 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/push-21/