歌词 "Pure Light" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Pure Light



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

O, to see You as You are O,看到你,你是

To glimpse the wonderst yet unseen 为了一睹wonderst还看不见

Assist my sight, unveil my eyes 帮助我的视线,开启我的眼睛

To see You 看你

Lord, to know You as You are 主啊,要知道你,你是

To even dare to speak or stand 甚至敢说话或站立

Though marked beloved, to fall as dead 虽然标心爱的,到了秋天死

When I see You 当我看到你


And through grace untold, to see You 并通过无尽的恩典,就看你

With this heart unveiled, to know You 有了这个心脏亮相,要知道你

Lord, in Your pure light 主啊,在你的清光


How great the glory of Your name 多么伟大的您的名字荣耀

How small the voice I humbly bring 多么小的声音,我谦恭地把

Yet with my all I raise a song 然而,随着我所有我提出的一首歌

When I see You 当我看到你

It is the song of love's pure light 这是爱的清光曲

The grace reflected in these eyes 宽限期体现在这些眼睛

The overflow of those who know 谁知道那些溢出

They have seen You 他们看到你


We are disgraced, but You graced us 我们都灰头土脸的,但你增光我们

With the warmth of Your forgiveness 随着你的宽恕的温暖

Now You lead us ever closer 现在你带领我们日益密切

To the pure light of Your holiness 到清光你的圣洁


And I'll sing of the wonders of Your grace 我会唱你的恩典的奇迹

Sing of the wonders of Your grace 唱你的恩典的奇迹

Sing of the wonders of Your grace, O Lord 唱你的恩典,主啊的奇迹

And I'll tell of the glory of Your name 我要告诉你的名字的荣耀

Tell of the glory of Your name 告诉你名字的荣耀

Tell of the glory of Your name, O Lord 告诉你的名字,哦,主的荣光

歌词 Pure Light 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/pure-light/