歌词 "Propaganda" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



歌词相关歌手:EVE 6

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I passed by some familiar 我经过一些熟悉的

faces, 面,

But they flipped me off & 但他们翻我了 -

cursed my name, 诅咒我的名字,

I watched the hippies raise 我看着嬉皮士提高

their signs 他们的招牌

and I saved my tears for 我救了我的眼泪

another time 其他时间


I just wish that they could 我只是希望他们能

understand 了解

that I had no choice whether 我别无选择,是否

or not 或不

to put a gun in my hand 把枪拿在手中

I just wish that they could 我只是希望他们能

understand 了解

I don't give a shit about being 我不给狗屎关于是

a man 一个人

歌词 Propaganda 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/propaganda-1/