歌词 "Prince" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

willing and able to run 愿意并能够运行

I am

willing and able I'm able to come 愿意并且有能力,我能来


and if I want for you now 如果我现在要为你

would you come 你会来

would you run 你会跑

would you bring it back around 你会带它回到我的身边

oh, baby how 哦,宝宝怎么


if it all went away 如果这一切就走了

nothin' left to say 没什么可说的

would you fight it or would you lay down 你会打它,或者你会放下

at the hand of your God could you see the light 你的上帝之手,你会看到光明

oh my prince can't you see what's been found 哦,我的王子,你看不到什么被发现


willing and able to run 愿意并能够运行

willing and able to come 愿意并且有能力来

I am willing, I'm willing 我愿意,我愿意


willing and able to run 愿意并能够运行

I am

willing and able I'm able to come 愿意并且有能力,我能来

歌词 Prince 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/prince/

歌词 Prince 的作者与版权信息:


Vanessa Carlton


Songs Of Universal Inc., Rosasharn Music