歌词 "Pressure On" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Pressure On



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

I've got the pressure on 我得的压力


Pressure from above 从上面的压力

Pressure from below 从下面压


I can't think straight 我想不出直

Or even go with the flow 甚至随遇而安

I've got the pressure on 我得的压力


Analysts here, therapists there 此间分析,治疗师有

You ain't getting me sitting in your chair 你是不是让我坐在你的椅子

I've got the pressure on 我得的压力


The price is not right, or open to debate 价格是不正确的,或者值得商榷

Besides I'm worried about my weight 此外,我很担心我的体重

I've got the pressure on 我得的压力


It's a signal, it's a sign 这是一个信号,这是一个标志

It's a symptom of the time 这时候的症状

It's a warning, it's a gauge 这是一个警告,这是一个规

It's a feature of the age 这是时代的特征


Politics, schmolitics 政治, schmolitics

I'm developing tics, clean out of tricks 我正在开发的抽搐,淘花样

Like a skin flick, just a little slick 像皮肤轻弹,只是有点华而不实

So where's the kick? 所以哪来的踢?

Aah aah 啊哈啊哈

I've got the pressure on 我得的压力


I think about you, I think about me 我想你,我想关于我的

We grew up but we don't feel free 我们长大了,但我们不放心

Is this where we wanted to be 这是我们想成为

It's not you, it's gotta be me 这不是你的,它得是我


It's a signal, it's a sign 这是一个信号,这是一个标志

It's a symptom of the time 这时候的症状

It's a warning, it's a gauge 这是一个警告,这是一个规

It's a feature of the age 这是时代的特征


I got the pressure on 我上的压力

I got the pressure on 我上的压力

I got the pressure on me 我得到了我压力

歌词 Pressure On 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/pressure-on/