Power (Remix)
[Jay-Z - Intro] [ Jay-Z的 - 简介]
Is this thing on? 就是这个东西吗?
Oh, I thought they silenced us, 'Ye 哦,我还以为他们沉默的我们, 你们
Power to the people 电于民
We're living in that 31st century, futuristic fly shit 我们生活在31世纪,未来的苍蝇屎
The penthouse is the projects and everybody flies private 顶楼的项目,每个人都过得私人
New watches (you know what time it is) 新款手表(你知道这是什么时候)
Watch us (you see us) 关注我们(看到我们)
They can't stop us 他们无法阻止我们
The prophets 先知
Beotches! Beotches !
[Chorus: Kanye West] [合唱:肯伊威斯特]
No one man should have all that power (Yea!) 没有一个人应该拥有所有的权力(是的! )
The clock's tickin, I just count the hours (Yea!) 时钟的tickin ,我只是在数着时间(是的! )
Stop trippin, I'm tripin off the power 停止践踏,我tripin关闭电源
("No one man should have all that power!" - [King Crimson]) ( “没有一个人应该拥有所有的力量! ” - [国王深红] )
[Jay-Z] [ Jay-Z的]
Rumble young man, rumble 轰隆隆的年轻人,隆隆声
Life is a trip so sometimes we gon' stumble 人生是一场旅程所以有时候我们会去绊倒
You gotta go through pain in order to become you 你得为成为你经历痛苦
But once the world numbs you, you'll feel like it's only one you 但是,一旦全球麻木你,你会觉得这只是一个你
Man, you got the power to do anything you want to 男人,你得做你想做的任何事的权力
Until you ask yourself, "Is that what it's all come to?" 直到你问自己, “难道这就是它的全部来? ”
Looking at life through sunglasses in the sunroof 纵观人生穿过天窗太阳镜
Do you have the power to get out from up under you 你必须从多达走出根据你的权力
Fuck all these labels, fuck what everybody wants from you 他妈的这些标签,从他妈的你们每个人都想要的东西
They trying to ask who/Axl Rose you, (Welcome to the Jungle!) 他们想请问谁/ Axl罗斯你, (欢迎来到丛林! )
To be continued, we're on that Norman Mailer shit 要继续,我们在那诺曼·梅勒狗屎
In search of the truth even if it goes through Taylor Swift 为了寻找真相,即使经过泰勒·斯威夫特
Tell 'em this! 告诉他们这个!
[Kanye West] [肯伊威斯特]
No one man should have all that power...[echoes] 没有一个人应该拥有所有的权力...... [回音]
[John Legend (Kanye)] [约翰传奇(坎耶)
Yea-ei-yea-ei-yea-ei-yea-ei-YEAAAAAAA-EAH 是啊-EI-雅-EI-雅-EI-雅-EI- YEAAAAAAA - EAH
OH OH (And is it?) YEA-EAH (And is it?) 呵呵呵呵(而且是吗?) YEA - EAH (而且是吗?)
OH OH (And is it?) YEA-EAH (And is it?) 呵呵呵呵(而且是吗?) YEA - EAH (而且是吗?)
OH OH (And is it?) YEA-EAH (And is it?) 呵呵呵呵(而且是吗?) YEA - EAH (而且是吗?)
{"No one man should have all that power!" - [King Crimson]} { “没有一个人应该拥有所有的力量! ” - [国王深红] }
[Kanye West] [肯伊威斯特]
Now when I walk in everybody do the power clap - clap, clap, clap 现在,当我走在大家做电源拍手 - 拍手,鼓掌,鼓掌
Fresh for the club, I just took an half an hour nap - clap, clap, clap 新鲜的俱乐部,我只是把一个半小时的午睡 - 拍,拍,拍
I seen people go crazy when the whole world in our lap - Clap, clap, clap 没看到人发疯的时候,整个世界在我们的腿上 - 拍,拍,拍
My psyche was out the plug, now it's time to get the power back - Clap, clap 我的心灵是出了插件,现在是时候让权力交还给 - 拍,拍
I've seen people abuse power, use power, misuse and then lose power 我见过的人滥用权力,利用权力,误用,然后失去动力
Power to the people, at last! It's a new hour 权于民,最后一次!这是一个新的小时
Now we all ain't gon' be American Idols 现在大家都没有安好的美国偶像
But you can 'least grab a camera, shoot a viral 但你可以“至少抢相机,拍了病毒
Huuuh? Take the power in your own hands Huuuh ?就拿电源在自己手中
I'm a grown man, doin my grown dance 我是一个成年男子,上来我成年舞会
I don't stop until I see the end, my vision clear, bitch 我不停止,直到我看到最后,我的视野清晰,婊子
I'm on my Van Gogh, I don't hear shit 我对我的梵高,我没有听到狗屎
No one man should have all that power 没有一个人应该拥有所有的权力
The clock's tickin, I just count the hours 时钟的tickin ,我只是在数着时间
Stop trippin, I'm trippin off the power 停止践踏,我践踏关闭电源
'Til then, fuck that, the world's ours 直到那时,他妈的说,世界上我们
[John Legend] [约翰传奇]
OH OH (And is it?) YEA-EAH (And is it?) 呵呵呵呵(而且是吗?) YEA - EAH (而且是吗?)
OH OH (And is it?) YEA-EAH (And is it?) 呵呵呵呵(而且是吗?) YEA - EAH (而且是吗?)
OH OH (And is it?) YEA-EAH (And is it?) 呵呵呵呵(而且是吗?) YEA - EAH (而且是吗?)
Eh-ay, eh-ay, eh-ay, eh-ay (The power) 嗯,唉,唉,唉,唉,唉,唉,唉(电源)
[Kanye West] [肯伊威斯特]
Now everything I'm rhymin on cause a Ramadon 现在一切我rhymin在事业Ramadon
Been a don prayin for families lost in the storm 是一个祈祷不要在暴风雨失去了家庭
Bring our troops back from Iraq, keep our troops out of Iran 把我们的部队从伊拉克回来,使我们的军队撤出伊朗
So the next couple bars I'ma drop 'em in Islam 因此,在接下来的几个酒吧我是他们摔坏的伊斯兰
They say as-salaam alaikum, we say alaikum as-salaam/salam' 他们说,因为达累斯萨拉姆alaikum ,我们说alaikum为达累斯萨拉姆/萨拉姆
That's no Oscar Mayer bacon, you should run and tell your mom 这可不是奥斯卡梅尔培根,你应该运行,并告诉你的妈妈
Now the question is how we gon' stop the next, Vietnam 现在的问题是,我们如何会去阻止下,越南
Keep, Flex out of Korea 'cause you know we drop bombs! 请,软硬出韩国,因为你知道我们投弹!
[explosion and music stops] [爆炸与音乐站]
[Swizz Beatz - breakdown as beat changes] [上当Beatz - 细分为节拍的变化]
Showtime! 欣欣!
Aiyyo Yeezy man, stop playin wit these people man Aiyyo Yeezy的人,停止弹唱机智这些人的人
They wanna see you act all crazy in this muh'fucker man 他们想看到你的行为都疯了本muhfucker人
Take that jacket off an go crazy on them niggaz man 就拿那件夹克了一个疯狂的他们的兄弟们人
Ya'knahmtalkin BOUT? {"I GOT THE POWER!" - [Snap!]} Yaknahmtalkin布特? { “我拥有强大的力量! ” - [ !快拍] }
[Kanye West (Swizz Beatz)] [肯伊威斯特(上当Beatz )
What do it mean to be the boss? (OH!) 什么意思是老板? (哦!)
It means second place is the first one who lost (OH!) 这意味着第二位的是第一个谁输了(哦!)
The crucifixion, the being nailed to the cross (OH!) 被钉十字架时,被钉在十字架上(哦!)
The truth or fiction, it's a hell of a cost (BOP!) 事实还是虚构,这是一个成本的地狱( BOP ! )
Do the dishes, I'm 'bout to hit that Jeff Gordon (AY!) 做的菜,我回合打的杰夫·戈登(好哦! )
Michael Jordan is the only one more important (AY!) 迈克尔·乔丹是唯一一个比较重要的(是的! )
But I be feelin like Jordan when I'm recording (C'mon!) 但是,我要觉得难过像乔丹,当我录制(来吧! )
'Cause everytime I record, I dunk and slam the booooards “因为每次我记录,我的扣篮和踩住booooards
I don't know what rappers gon' do afterwarrrrrds (OH!) 我不知道是什么说唱坤做afterwarrrrrds (哦!)
Prol'ly spaz like I might do at the awaaaaards (Right!) Prolly怪人像我可能会在awaaaaards做(对! )
Huh! I got the whole crowd goin CRAZY! (AY!) 呵呵!我得到了整个人群布莱恩疯了! (是的! )
Homey, I should be rewarded (WHOOOOOOO!) 温馨的家庭,我应该得到奖励( WHOOOOOOO ! )
Gettin money Yeezy, Yeezy how you do it, huh? (WHOOO!) 刚开钱Yeezy , Yeezy你是怎么做到的,对吧? (呼! )
Eating Wheaties, drinkin Fiji, bein greedy, huh? (C'mon!) 吃麦片,喝斐济,贝因贪婪,是吧? (来吧! )
Don't even think you can elude to the rumors (C'mon!) 甚至不认为你可以躲避的传言(来吧! )
I'm immune to the boos, I'ma PROVE to you losers -- {"I GOT THE POWER!" - [Snap!]} 我是免疫的嘘声,我是向你证明失败者 - { “我拥有强大的力量! ” - [ !快拍] }
(Huh!) It's all in timing, nigga (Get 'em!) (嗯! ),这一切都在时间,黑鬼(找他们! )
See I dream my whole life that I could rhyme with Jigga (Get 'em!) 请参阅我的梦想我的一生,我可以用韵Jigga (找他们! )
Now Jay my big brother, and B my lil' sister (Get 'em!) 周杰伦现在我的大哥哥,和B我的律姐姐(找他们! )
And excuse me, but, you cain't see my lil' sister (HANDS IN THE AIR!) 并原谅我,可是,你caint看到我的律姐姐(手在空中! )
Number one sound across the board - HEY! (OH!) 数全线一个声音 - 嘿! (哦!)
Number one now and forever more - HEY! (HEY!) 现在排名第一的永远多 - 嘿! (嘿! )
Number one rule is niggas gon' HATE! 头号规则是黑鬼坤恨!
Maybe I drop the album - naaaaah, y'all gotta wait (Oh!) 也许我把专辑 - naaaaah ,你们得等待(呵呵! )
And on the net, they showin pictures of my Cali place 而在网络上,他们舒我卡里的照片的地方
My Maybach in NY, but it still got the Cali plates 我的迈巴赫在纽约,但它仍然得到了卡利板
All my ol' gurls know that I'm the one that got away (Whoo!) 我所有的醇 GURLS知道,我就是跑了一个(哇! )
I think about her Christmas and play some Donny Hathaway (AY!) 我想她的圣诞和玩一些唐尼海瑟威(好哦! )
And keep my bulletproof, hater coat on (Chill...chill! Chill! Yo!) 守我刀枪不入,仇敌大衣(寒......寒意!冰寒!呦! )
Lookin at some photos that I'm lookin crazy dope on 看着一些的照片,我就看着疯狂涂料
Hand up, talkin shit, yeah I get my Pope on (Yo!) 的手,说话,妈的,是的,我让我的教皇(哟! )
and go home with, somethin to poke on (WHOO!) 回家了,事端捅上(喔! )
That's what Dre said, but this what 'Ye said (Huh!) 这就是德瑞说,但是这就是你们说(嗯! )
How 'Ye doin? Who 'Ye screwin? (Huh!) 如何你们干什么?谁是叶screwin ? (嗯! )
That's for my dick to know, befo' you get to know 'em 这是我的家伙知道, befo 你知道时间
She ain't gave you ass, that pussy fictional 她是不是给了你的屁股,那猫虚构
I gotta give her the eviction no-tice 我得给她逐出无蒂斯
"Getcho ass out, bitch! Vamanos!" “ Getcho屁股,婊子! Vamanos ! ”
Five seconds to the song end, we gettin close 五秒钟的歌曲结束时,我们刚开关闭
I got the power muh'fucker if you didn't know 我得到了力量muhfucker ,如果你不知道
[Swizz Beatz - Outro] [上当Beatz - 尾奏]
Chill! Chill! Chill man! 冷静!冷静!冰寒的男人!
Chill 'Ye, chill! Chill! 寒意叶,寒意!冷静!
Chill! Shit's burned up already... 冷静!妈的烧起来了......
It's over 结束了
歌词 Power (Remix) 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/power-remix/
- All Of The Lights (Remix)
- Chain Heavy
- Christian Dior Denim Flow
- Christmas In Harlem
- Don't Look Down
- Don't Stop!
- Eyes Closed
- Flashing Lights (Remix)
- Flight School
- Good Friday
- Hey Mama (Grammy Remix)
- Impossible
- Jesus Walks (Remix)
- Looking For Trouble
- Lord Lord Lord
- Mama's Boyfriend
- Perfect Bitch
- Power (Remix)
- Take One For The Team
- The New Workout Plan (Remix)
- The Roc In Here
- Through The Wire (Remix)
- Us Placers
- Way Too Cold
- White Dress
- 相关歌词
- Come Walk With Me
- The Corinthian Song
- I Believe
- Three In The Power Of One
- Come Together
- Power Of The Night
- Power And The Glory
- Power & The Glory
- Power Flower
- Nemesis
- 推荐歌词
- Déjà Vu
- Rose Robert
- Le Pusieron Siete Leguas
- Wildflower
- Tomorrow
- Deora Ar Mo Chroi
- On My Way Here
- Oprah Winfrey
- Poor Little Rich Girl
- Spanish Highway
- Ghetto Soundwave
- Go Back
- Swept Away
- You Know
- Small Flowers Crack Concrete
- Clique / Fuckin Problem
- Life @ 11
- Some Boys
- Have I Told You Lately That I Love You
- Bad Girl
- 歌词 Power (Remix) 的作者与版权信息:
Malik Yusef El Shabbaz Jones, Chris Denman, Larry Griffin, Robert Fripp, Kanye West, Michael Rex Giles, Greg Lake, Peter Primamore, Jay Stollman, Jeff Bhasker, Nathan Perez, Jean-Pierre Lang, Mike Dean, Boris Bergman, Ian Mcdonald, Peter John Sinfield, Francois Pierre Camille Bernheim
Way Above Music, Emi Blackwood Music Inc., Roc Nation Music, Jabriel Iz Myne, Sony/ATV Songs LLC, E.G. Music Ltd., Papa George Music, Amaya Sofia Publishing, Emi Music Publishing France S.A., Universal Music Corp., Barclay Eddie Nouvelles Editions, Please Gimme My Publishing Inc., Vohndee'S Soul Music Publishing
- "Power (Remix)" lyrics are property and copyright of their owners."Power (Remix)" lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only.
- 歌词 "Power (Remix)" 的所有者拥有该歌词的产权和版权。仅供教育目的且仅限个人使用。
- 歌词 "Power (Remix)" 的中文对照翻译版本由本站整理完成,仅供学习参考,对于其中的错误本站不承担任何责任。