歌词 "Polkamon" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Krabby, Snubbull, Venonat Krabby , Snubbull , Venonat

Mankey, Chansey and Zubat Mankey ,吉利蛋和Zubat

Slowking, Ditto, Butterfree Slowking ,同上, Butterfree

Lugia and Caterpie 洛奇亚和Caterpie

Oddish, Poliwag, Goldeen Oddish , Poliwag , Goldeen

Elekid and Nidoqueen Elekid和Nidoqueen

Victreebel and Magneton - Everybody Polkamon! Victreebel和磁子 - 大家Polkamon !


Aerodactyl, Seel, Machoke Aerodactyl , Seel , Machoke

Marill, Moltres, then Slowpoke Marill , Moltres ,然后SLOWPOKE

Articuno, Ditto, Muk Articuno ,同上,木

Flareon and ol' Psyduck Flareon和醇 Psyduck

Cloyster, Kingler, Shellder, Gloom Cloyster , Kingler , Shellder ,幽暗

Snorlax and of course Vileplume 卡比兽,当然Vileplume

Zapdos and Charmeleon - Everybody Polkamon! Zapdos和Charmeleon - 大家Polkamon !


It's time to polka 现在是时候波尔卡

For Ponyta and Pidgey too 对于Ponyta和Pidgey太

Come on put on your lederhosen 来吧,把你的皮裤

And try not to stamp on little Pikachu 尽量不要在小皮卡丘邮票

You'd better grab yourself a partner 你最好抓住自己的合作伙伴

Like Tentacruel or Bulbasaur (Bulbasaur) 像Tentacruel或Bulbasaur ( Bulbasaur )

Hold on a minute - there's still at least a hundred and twenty-seven more 等一等 - 仍然有至少一百27多


Including Ledyba and Omastar 包括Ledyba和Omastar

Jynx, Bellossom and Magmar Jynx , Bellossom和Magmar

Geodude and Arcanine Geodude和Arcanine

Jiggypuff and Mr. Mime Jiggypuff和MIME先生

Don't forget about Sandslash 不要忘了Sandslash

Exeggcute and Rapidash Exeggcute和Rapidash

Lickitung and Porygon - Everybody Polkamon! Lickitung和Porygon - 大家Polkamon !


Everybody Polkamon! 大家Polkamon !

Everybody Polkamon! 大家Polkamon !

歌词 Polkamon 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/polkamon/

歌词 Polkamon 所在专辑及曲目:
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