Poet Laureate Infinity Vocal 4
Nobody do it better, there ain't a truer Ripper, 没人做的更好,还没有一个更真实的开膛手,
I did this separate imagine what we could do together 我没有这个单独的想像,我们可以一起做
Inspired by God, inspired by the suffering, 神所默示的,灵感来自于苦难,
Was it done by a prophet? It must of been, who was it then, 它是由先知呢?它必须是对谁是它,然后,
Rip the Jacker, hot but cold blooded 撕开Jacker ,热,但冷血
Many utter the name but very few love him, 许多叫不出名字,但很少爱他,
33 is the number that enlightens the Brothers, 33是照亮了兄弟的号码,
Insight to the fullest, that could brighten the dullest, 洞察发挥到淋漓尽致,这可能亮乏味,
The ramifications are awesome, what should we call it? 所带来的后果是真棒,我们应该叫它?
I call it my unacknowledged special access project, 10 我把它称为我的未确认的特殊访问权限的项目, 10
Skull is a submarine hull, 骷髅是潜艇的船体,
In a cave below ground with a painting of Cthulhu on the wall, 在地下的洞穴与邪神在墙上一幅画,
Necronomicon grimoires, 死灵书魔典,
Open the doors to the vortex that reaches from here to beyond, 打开大门,到达从这里到超越旋涡,
The power to control thoughts however remotely, 的权力,但远程控制自己的思想,
Through a term I'd like to call "Pulse Detonation Poetry" 通过一个学期我想称之为“脉冲爆震诗”
The results from SETI, very interesting, 从SETI的,非常有趣的结果,
I briefed the committee they told me to stop the testing, 20 我向委员会,他们告诉我要停止测试, 20
My team was credited, turned over the evidence, 我的团队已计入,上缴的证据,
But not before I could leverage it, promotion to President, 但在此之前,我可以利用它,晋升为总裁,
Cover me, 8 point sighting device for the eyes, 掩护我, 8点瞄准装置的眼睛,
Fire!!! Transition if you go dry, 火!如果你干涸的过渡,
Close your eyes, ritualize, spit your rhymes, 闭上你的眼睛,仪式化,吐你押韵,
Without trying you can shift your mind, 没有尝试,你可以改变你的想法,
Canibus altered the sequence of nucleotides, Canibus改变的核苷酸的序列,
Neuropeptides only get high off just mature Wine, 神经肽只获得了高刚成熟的葡萄酒,
Start timing, Atomic Clock keeps time perfectly, 开始计时,原子钟保持的时间完美,
Mrs. Guutoff my band teacher always would work me, 30 Guutoff太太是我的乐队老师总是将我的工作, 30
Polyester pants, big fat ass, 涤纶裤,大肥屁股,
I loved that woman so much, I paid attention in class, 我爱那个女人那么多,我在课堂上注意,
My Spanish teacher Mrs Booker had an ass too, 我的西班牙语老师布克夫人了一屁股太大,
Why am I talking about this to you? 为什么我讲的这个吗?
One day this will be known for now it must wait, 有一天,这将是出名的,现在它必须等待,
I still love them both and I never forget a face, 我仍然爱他们两个,我从来没有忘记的脸,
At the time I used my Beta waves more than my Theta waves, 当时,我用我的β波比我西塔波,
Then there was greater way I learned at a later date, 然后出现了较大的办法,我学会了在以后的日子,
The rate of learning began burgeoning and wouldn't let up, 学习的速度开始迅速发展,不会松懈,
Mommy noticed my vocabulary had developed, 40 妈妈注意到了我的词汇量已经发展起来, 40
Telencephalon olfactory lobes I had to practice, 端脑嗅叶,我不得不练习,
When a woman has her period I smell it on the mattress, 当一个女人把她的时间里,我闻到它的床垫,
It got to be difficult for any woman to live with me, 它一定是很难过任何一个女人和我住在一起,
I know my history, but what could that mean specifically? 我知道我的历史,但是那会是什么特别的意思?
The story of Bruce Lee, I died in my sleep 李小龙的故事,我在睡梦中死去
I was weak, it happens with every girl that I meet, 我是弱者,它与每一个女孩,我满足情况,
A Clairvoyant Technique, using X-Ray refraction 千里眼技术,利用X射线的折射
Not only can you see into the future, see past it, 你不仅可以看到未来,看到过去吧,
But I don't know what it means I pass the DataStream along to my team, 但我不知道这意味着什么我通过数据流以及我的团队,
They say it's more than a dream 50 他们说这是多梦50
Killing caused by poisonous vapours, Lasers, Tasers, Masers, 杀戮所造成的有毒蒸气,激光,泰瑟枪,脉泽,
Electromagnetic Scalars, 电磁标量,
"That is not dead which can eternally lie “这不是死的,可以永远的谎言
And with strange aeons even death may die", 并用异样的劫甚至死亡可能会死“ ,
Listen to the rhymes, the rhymes equal Pi, 听儿歌,押韵等于皮,
If I had a piece of the pie I could buy Dubai, 如果我有一块馅饼,我可以买的迪拜,
Rip the Jacker was born, the bow was drawn, 撕开Jacker出生后,弓拉,
Spit a 100 bars before you could run a 100 yards, 吐了100条之前,你可以跑100码,
I seen a mushroom to the north, from my porch, 我已经看到蘑菇到北,从我的门廊,
It was odd, every dog in the neighbourhood barked, 60 这很奇怪,在附近每只狗狂吠, 60
You wanna stand there and talk? 你想站在那里说话?
A blast wave gonna tear more than your roof off, nigga c'mon! 冲击波会比你的屋顶关闭,撕裂更黑鬼来吧!
It is my understanding, when I'm high I'm channelling, 这是我的理解,当我高,我窜,
But when I'm out with the family I am animal handling, 但是,当我出去陪家人,我的动物处理,
Observe the man with the Microsoft strand, 观察该男子与Microsoft股,
Or a 5th or a 6th, ‘cause way more advanced, 或第5或第6 ,因为这样更先进,
I remove the veil from in front of me, suddenly 我是从删除的面纱在我面前,突然
The roots of my discovery uncovered skulduggery, 我的发现揭示skulduggery的根源,
I am not innocent, but you cannot punish me, 我不是无辜的,但你不能惩罚我,
‘Cause I know what the world wants to see, tragedy, 70 因为我知道这个世界希望看到的,悲剧, 70
What is Germaine determined to ascertain for his self? 什么是杰曼决定,以确定他的自我?
Few of the same elk have known what I felt, 很少有相同的麋鹿已经知道我的感受,
There's a Proverb that goes "One should know thyself 有句谚语云“每个人都应该了解自己
Before one can know the world", so I showed myself, 才可以知道的世界“ ,所以我发现我自己,
The unidentified submersible, looked like a giant turtle half circle, 不明潜水,看上去就像一个巨大的乌龟半圈,
Yo, I need to stop smoking purple, 哟,我要戒烟紫色,
Requested, selected, elected, but that's only impressive to the expert, 要求,选择,选出的,但这只是令人印象深刻的专家,
Who know how to manipulate my message, 谁知道如何操纵我的消息,
You lazy and you wanna be the best? I repeat, 你偷懒,你想成为最好的?我再说一遍,
Don't talk about consciousness being conscious-less and weak, 80 不要谈论意识,意识,少,弱, 80
If I die and you happen to wake up, I'm still alive 如果我死了,你恰巧醒来,我还活着
Please explain my complete life story to my children, 请解释一下我的整个生命的故事给我的孩子,
Photo stills of the cryospill, 图片剧照cryospill的,
Solarized film revealed that there was a biofield, 曝晒电影透露,有一个生物场,
Fuck a record deal, my training is real, 他妈的创纪录的交易,我的训练是真实的,
Look at the sword I wield, you will taste my steel, 看剑í挥动,你会尝到我的钢铁,
Phase I, sign the MOU, pursue more voters 第一阶段,签署了谅解备忘录,寻求更多选民
There's three more phases that I think you should know, 有三个阶段,我想你应该知道,
The Phase II, build the force, Phase III, sustain Ops, 第二阶段,建立了力,三期,持续行动,
Phase IV, transition of all Border Cops, 90 第四阶段,所有边境警察的转变, 90
Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si-Do 这样做, re,mi ,法,溶胶,拉,思待办事项
These are the tones that will activate the ohm, 这些都是音调将激活欧姆,
No telling if it will bring out the best or the worst in you, 没有说是否会带出最好或最差的你,
It would be a miracle if I was merciful, 这将是一个奇迹,如果我是仁慈的,
Are you food for the moon? Or are you in the mood for doom? 你的食物月亮?或者,你的心情厄运?
Furniture moves when I walk in a room, 家具移动时,我走在一个房间,
Stryker Brigade Driver, sometimes I was Gunner, 斯瑞克旅驱动程序,有时我是枪手,
Checkpoints required all the concentration I could muster, 关卡所需要的所有的浓度,我可以鼓起,
Special Weapons and Tactics, Professional Assassin, 特种武器和战术,职业刺客,
I don't know what he does for a living ask him, 100 我不知道他做什么为生问他, 100
I kneeled before Congress and begged for money, í国会前跪,乞求金钱,
Submitting specifics about the operation I'm running, 具体提交关于我跑的运作,
You gotta love it, what was it called? The G8 Summit, 你必须喜欢它,是什么叫什么?八国集团(G8)峰会上,
"Never heard of it", no details are public, “从来没有听说过” ,没有细节是公开的,
The relative radiance of the rhyme makes it shine, 韵的相对辐射使它发光,
Increasing the star wattage with longer cycle time, 增加星瓦数用较长的周期时间,
Yeah, I bust the rhymes but I customize the lines, 是啊,我的胸围押韵,但我自定义的线条,
And by the looks of things I did it just in time, 并通过对事物的外表我也只是在时间,
I marched from the Halls of Montezuma to Tripoli, 我是从蒙特祖马的大厅的黎波里游行,
Physically this mission objective is killing me, 110 身体这个任务目标是杀死我, 110
I submit to the will of the creator willingly, 我向造物主的意志愿意,
The possibilities present a probable infinity, 准备提出一个可能无穷大,
I looked into LL's eyes we both cried, 我看着LL的眼睛,我们都哭了,
Meteors immediately fell from the skies, 流火立即从天空降临,
I've apologized but I can't change who I am, 我已经道歉了,但我不能改变我是谁,
I can change future, can't budge the past, 我可以改变未来,不能让步的过去,
Them pretty ass lyrics is for bitches with acrylic, 这些漂亮的屁股歌词是母狗与丙烯酸,
Only fake niggas catch feelings over silly shit, 只有假黑鬼赶上感受过愚蠢的狗屎,
Sports locked and loaded, zero you in from the pillbox, 体育锁定并加载,零,你的碉堡,
Williams! How many kills you got? 120 威廉姆斯!有多少杀死你得到了什么? 120
The uniforms match so we all look the same from the sky, 制服匹配,所以我们看起来都一样的天空,
The only time they notice the difference is when we die, 他们注意到其中的差别的唯一情况是,当我们死,
Is dying a wise thing? What about trying? 快死了一个明智的事情吗?怎么样想?
What about the family members back home crying? 怎么样的家庭成员回家哭吗?
Manmade weapons Starship Captain etc 人造武器星舰舰长等
George Lucas showed me a full sized replica, 乔治·卢卡斯向我展示了一个全尺寸复制品,
Circled for a fly over in a black Kiowa 盘旋了飞过来的黑色基奥瓦
Five soldiers including me and a pilot called Noah, 五名士兵,包括我和一个叫诺亚试点,
He passed over a top secret dossier folder half opened, 他通过了一半开了一个绝密的档案文件夹,
I noticed the words MOSES and CONUS, 130 我注意到的话摩西和美国本土, 130
MOSES is a new weapon system secret code, 摩西是一个新的武器系统的秘密代码,
CONUS is the continent of the US, I suppose, 美国本土是美国的大陆,我想,
The jump light lit up, Master Chief said "Let's Go!" 跳灯亮了起来,士官长说: “我们走! ”
All right men this is what we train for, 没事的人,这就是我们的训练,
Williams you gotta go first, "if you say so, HALO", 威廉斯你得先走了, “既然你这么说了,晕”
High Altitude Always Stay Low, 高海拔始终保持在低水平,
Gale Winds blowing, this might be the death of me, 大风吹来的风,这可能是我的死亡,
The Airborne unit in the back of me jumped out next to me, 空降兵某部在我后面跳出来在我旁边,
Gold chords from the organ cut down your swordsman, 从器官黄金和弦减少你的剑客,
Tell everybody to shut the fuck up when I'm talking, 140 告诉大家闭嘴的时候我说他妈的起来, 140
The 1000 Bar race at an unrelenting pace, 1000酒吧种族在无情的步伐,
Just in case Humans ever get to World War 8, 万一人类永远能大战8 ,
Do you believe in fate? Then how do you know? 你相信命运吗?那你怎么知道的?
When you finally get there, where will you go? 当你终于到达那里,在那里你会去吗?
This ain't no joke, you think I'm joking, 这是不是没有开玩笑,你以为我是在开玩笑,
Everything frozen, melted, destroyed, broken, 一切都冻结,融化,销毁,破碎,
Only the chosen find a way out, 只有选择寻找出路,
Everybody move out! Make sure to stay off the main route, 每个人都搬出去!请务必留过的主要途径,
Satellites watch me they think they got me, 卫星看我,他们认为他们得到了我,
Right hands turn left shoulders around but it's not me, 150 右手转左肩膀周围,但它不是我的, 150
Atmospheric Reentry a flying sighting, looked like lightening, 大气再入飞行瞄准,看上去就像闪电,
Striking blind, what the fuck's frying? 引人注目的瞎子,什么他妈的的油炸?
Comparative image sharpness between artists, 艺术家之间的对比图像的清晰度,
I don't think you know what you're about to get involved in, 我不认为你知道你即将涉足,
Give you a quadrillion dollars to be a partner, 给你一个万亿美元,成为合作伙伴,
If you are still worshipping money I think you are Godless, 如果你还在崇拜金钱,我认为你是不信神,
Sulphuric Nitric Acid eat through the Labyrinth, 通过迷宫硫酸硝酸吃,
The foundation is cracking, we must take action, 地基开裂,我们必须采取行动,
Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth, B.I.B.L.E. 基本指令执行前离开地球,圣经
I take shelter in an old Missile Silo, 160 我把住所在一个旧的导弹发射井, 160
Hip Hop is blackened pot placed next to a kettle, 嘻哈被熏黑的锅放在旁边的水壶,
With my logo in it, a rigid rehomogenized metal, 与我在它的标志,刚性再匀浆金属,
Millions of you are unfamiliar with what I'm saying?, 数以百万计的你不熟悉我在说什么?
Discuss it with your Chemistry Professor he will praise it, 您的化学教授讨论这个问题,他会赞美它,
Tri Quad Quintangulate where did the signal originate? 三个四个Quintangulate哪里的信号产生的?
Try to find out more information, 试图找出更多的信息,
The internal atheist outside the Matrix, 矩阵外,内部的无神论者,
Sophia Stewart offered me a pill and said "take this", 索菲亚·斯图尔特给了我一颗药丸,说:“借此”
She asked me if I was followed, I told her I wasn't, 她问我,如果我之后,我告诉她我是不是,
I didn't know the spy that sold me out would be my own cousin, 170 我不知道卖给我了是我自己的表弟间谍, 170
"Populace uniformed is a populace of slaves", “大众制服是奴隶的民众” ,
Washington didn't say it quite that way, 华盛顿没有说出来挺这样,
But it's something like that, you get the point I'm assuming, 但它类似的东西,你明白了吧,我假设,
Poet Laureate Exclusive New Shit! 桂冠诗人独家新妈的!
The message said "We should meet somewhere clandestine", 该消息说:“我们应该满足的地方秘密”
Professor keep heading East to the Best Western, 教授继续向东到最佳西方,
Do not loose your bearings, keep checking your direction, 不要失去你的轴承,请随时查看自己的方向,
"Start Session point 666 arc seconds" “开始会话点666弧秒。”
The budget is huge, I have doubts about spending it, 预算是巨大的,我对花钱的疑惑,
Concerning Cyclotronic Resonance, patents are pending it, 180 关于Cyclotronic共振,专利正在申请中的, 180
Canibus AKA "The Spitzberg Beast", Canibus又名“ Spitzberg野兽”
Gave his Bicentennial Speech on Emerald Peak, 给他的二百周年纪念讲话翡翠山顶,
You'll need a first aid kit for the verse I spit, 你需要一个急救箱的诗句我吐,
I am cautiously meticulous but artfully brisk, 我很谨慎细致,但巧妙地活跃,
A change is beginning every molecule is spinning, 改变开始每一个分子都在打转,
Lyrics imitate the art, art imitates lyrics, can you hear it? 歌词模仿艺术,艺术描绘的歌词,你能听到吗?
Signals bounce back and forth like a mirror, 信号来回就像一面镜子,
With flawless error, like that forever 与完美无瑕的错误,这样的永远
Surface the air radar tells me where they are, 表面上的空雷达告诉我他们在哪里,
Are they far? I patiently watch the sweep arm, 190 他们是多远?我耐心看扫臂, 190
We can find them but they can't find us, 我们可以找到他们,但他们找不到我们,
Just below Mach 3 the rhymes ionizes, 仅低于3马赫的押韵电离,
I'm hooked on Hip Hop, I can't live without it, 我迷上了嘻哈,我的生活不能没有它,
You can mix this song a thousand ways I don't doubt it, 您可以混合使用这首歌曲一千种方式,我不怀疑这一点,
The daughters of man locked in prison camps, 人锁定在战俘营的女儿,
With the sons of mothers that are too weak to dance, 与太弱跳舞母亲的儿子,
At least we notice damage, what do we expect, 至少我们看到的伤害,我们期待什么,
The coming super storm is gonna wipe us off the map 未来的超级风暴会消灭我们从地图
But that is not possible, that's sounds completely illogical, 但是,这是不可能的,这听起来完全是不合逻辑的,
You must've been kicked the fuck out of school 200 你一定被踢出了他妈的学校200
Always remember the Reptilian agenda, 一定要记住的爬虫类议程,
"No Pulse Rendered" in the earthquake's epicentre, “没有脉搏渲染”,在地震的震中,
I found fluoride in my water supply, 我发现氟化物在我的供水,
At the time I felt a total apathy towards dying, 当时我觉得总的冷漠走向奄奄一息,
The ungrateful dead reoccurring images playing in my head, 忘恩负义的死再次发生的图像在我的头上打,
I was told to memorize what I was said, 有人告诉我,记住我是说,
"With this salt I consecrate this water, “有了这个盐祝圣这水,
may whatever it touch receive Hallowed Light coming from Them." 可不管它触及接受他们的神圣光来了。 “
"With this sacred water I consecrate this Talisman “有了这个圣水祝圣这个护符
so that it will make me Poet Laureate" 210 因此,它会让我桂冠诗人“ 210
Otherwise I'll be so depressed, oh well no regrets 否则,我会很郁闷,哦不后悔
I been toe to toe with the best, I ‘Know the Ledge' 我一直在脚趾趾最好的,我知道岩架“
I accept all cultures, colours, creeds and races 我接受所有的文化,色彩,信仰和种族
Life is Life no taxonomical classification, 生活就是生活没有分类学的分类,
No corruption, no disruption, no destruction, no budget, no nothing, 没有腐败,没有干扰,没有破坏,没有预算,什么都没有,
It's never that easy, you just gotta trust it, 这是从来没有那么容易,你只是爱它的信任,
A leader that feels beleaguered to teach the youth, 那种感觉围攻,教导青年的领导者,
The Youth will refuse to follow if they don't believe you, 青年将拒绝跟随,如果他们不相信你,
There is strength in numbers there are numbers in strength, 有实力,有实力的数字号码,
Nothing good comes from hatred, Love's the missing link, 220 没事找事来自仇恨,爱的缺失环节, 220
Even if I am in a minority of one, 即使我是一个少数,
The truth is still the truth no matter how it's spun 真相依然是真相,不管它是如何纺
My mind is prepared, Hip Hop is impaired, 我的心准备,嘻哈受损,
If you disagree with me then yours isn't there. 如果你不同意我的话你不存在。
226 226
歌词 Poet Laureate Infinity Vocal 4 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/poet-laureate-infinity-vocal-4/
- 2000 B.C. (Emphasys & Elixir Remix)
- Aids Is Gold, HIV Is Platinum
- How Come
- I'll Bust 'Em, You Punish 'Em
- It's Logic
- Lullaby Of Champions
- Patriots Remix
- Poet Laureate Infinity Vocal 1
- Poet Laureate Infinity Vocal 2
- Poet Laureate Infinity Vocal 3
- Poet Laureate Infinity Vocal 4
- Poet Laureate Infinity Vocal 5
- Protect Ya Neck Freestyle
- Rip The Jacker
- Second Round Knockout (Extended Version)
- Shout Out To Lost Boyz
- Shove This Jay-Oh-Bee
- Talkin' The Talk - HRSMN
- Who Owns You?
- You Can't Fuck With The Canibus Man
- 相关歌词
- Allied Meta Forces
- Pink-Slips
- The Murder Mystery
- Feels So Good
- Feels So Good
- Slicebeats
- Feral Children
- Disco In Space
- Dark Dreams
- True Love Tends To Forget
- 推荐歌词
- You're My Thrill
- The Right To Love
- Make A Prayer
- Nice
- Things You Say
- Falling Into Ashes
- Don't Get Sand In It
- Going To The Top
- Keep The Candle Burning
- Through All That Nothing
- Now The World
- Firefly
- Just In Case It Happens, Yes Indeed
- This Life
- Squalie
- Silver Ships
- Second To No One
- Time
- Never Enough
- Flex 36
- "Poet Laureate Infinity Vocal 4" lyrics are property and copyright of their owners."Poet Laureate Infinity Vocal 4" lyrics provided for educational purposes and personal use only.
- 歌词 "Poet Laureate Infinity Vocal 4" 的所有者拥有该歌词的产权和版权。仅供教育目的且仅限个人使用。
- 歌词 "Poet Laureate Infinity Vocal 4" 的中文对照翻译版本由本站整理完成,仅供学习参考,对于其中的错误本站不承担任何责任。