歌词 "Play Ya Cards Right" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Play Ya Cards Right



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Uh yeah, little old school shit 嗯,是的,有点老派狗屎

So she came up to me and asked my name 于是,她向我走来,问我的名字

I said it's funky mac I don't play no games 我说这是时髦的mac ,我不玩任何游戏

If you wanna come home with me tonight 如果你想回家了,今晚我

You better play ya cards right. 你最好打亚卡的权利。


I came to rock right now 我来摇滚,现在

I'm the best and I came to get down 我是最好的,我来趴下

I've been known to rock a microphone 我已经知道摇滚麦克风

She got a boyfriend but left him home 她有一个男朋友,但离开了他的家

See I got style, so yes I brag 见我有风格,所以是我吹牛

The things I do just make them mad 我做的事情只是让他们疯了

Download new kicks to my ipad 下载新的踢我的iPad

Why ya girlfriend look like she's dressed in drag 为什么雅女友的样子,她的穿着拖

You a fag, this is forever, ladys in love with my agenda 您抽根烟,这是永远的,女装爱我的日程

My names something these girls remember 我的名字叫什么这些女孩记得

She write hers down, return to sender 她写她下来,返回给发件人

I don't need it, thinking she can keep her secrets 我并不需要它,以为她可以把她的秘密

One night only that's how I treat this, sleepin 一天晚上,只有这就是我如何对待这一点,睡

Bitch please make me some breakfest 母狗,请让我有些breakfest

And then leave. 然后离开。


[2X] [ 2倍]

So she came up to me and asked my name 于是,她向我走来,问我的名字

I said it's funky mac I don't play no game 我说这是时髦的mac ,我不玩游戏不

If you wanna come home with me tonight 如果你想回家了,今晚我

You better play ya cards right. 你最好打亚卡的权利。


Ya see I came to rock right now 你看见我来摇滚,现在

I'm the best and I came to get down 我是最好的,我来趴下

I've been known to rock a microphone 我已经知道摇滚麦克风

Girls odishon to bring them home 女孩odishon带他们回家

See I might chose, so just go with it 看,我可能会选择,所以才去用它

Her mom adores me, her dad thinks I'm a nitwit 她的妈妈崇拜我,她的爸爸以为我是傻子

It don't really matter I'ma have her fall in love 它并不真正的问题我是有她的恋爱

I need my botty brains botty? and she all of the above 我需要我的botty大脑botty ?和她所有上述的

Relationships, I hate that shit 关系,我恨那些事

Got one night only so make it quick 有一晚只有这么使其快速

You see me out, wanna take a pic 你看我,想取图片

Fuck me once, wanna date and shit. 他妈的我一次,想要的日期和狗屎。

I ain't that rich, but I got friends 我是不是大富大贵,但我得到了朋友们

Make a sandwich, get me fed 做一个三明治,给我喂

Decided right now don't got all night 决定现在不把所有夜

This the life so play ya cards right. 这生活这么打亚卡的权利。


[2X] [ 2倍]

So she came up to me and asked my name 于是,她向我走来,问我的名字

I said it's funky mac I don't play no game 我说这是时髦的mac ,我不玩游戏不

If you wanna come home with me tonight 如果你想回家了,今晚我

You better play ya cards right. 你最好打亚卡的权利。

歌词 Play Ya Cards Right 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/play-ya-cards-right/