歌词 "Play For Blood" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

Play For Blood



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Anybody searching for action 任何人搜索行动

Anything to fill the emptiness inside 任何内部填补空虚

Any place that the streets are empty 该街道是空的任何地方

Any takers wanna pour out their lives 任何考生想倾吐自己的生活

With fire and lightning shooting from my hand 从我的手火和闪电射击

And desolation written across my eyes 凄凉写在我的眼睛

My itchy finger on the hairpin trigger 我的手指发痒的发夹触发

My tempers hot and my patience's taken flight 我的脾气火爆,我的耐心的采取飞行


Inside the abattoir 里面的屠宰场

The cover charge is somebody's gotta die 该服务费是别人的宝贝,死

Now, I hear you screaming out for mercy 现在,我听到你的尖叫求饶

Last man that's standing wins the fight 最后一个人说是站在胜利的斗争

Too late, I see your end zero in on you 太晚了,我看你到底在零上你

Even mortal enemies, they can't deny 即使是不共戴天的敌人,他们不能否认

Let me help you up again 让我帮你再次

The wings of god surround me 上帝的翅膀围绕着我

I live to play because I know I'll never die 我住玩,因为我知道我永远不会死


If I win again, I'm still the champion 如果我再次夺冠,我还是冠军

And if you win, ha, that's just impossible 如果你赢了,哈哈,这是不可能的

I don't play for keeps; I don't play for your soul 我不为不断发挥;我不为你的灵魂玩

I don't play to win; I don't play for it all 我不为胜利而战;我不为它都扮演

I play for blood 我玩的血


I don't play for keeps, I play for blood 我不玩了保持,我玩的血

I don't play for your soul, I play for blood 我不为你的灵魂玩,我玩的血

I don't play to win, I play for blood 我不为胜利而战,我玩的血

I don't play for it all, I play for blood 我不为这一切玩,我玩的血

I play for blood 我玩的血

歌词 Play For Blood 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/play-for-blood/

歌词 Play For Blood 的作者与版权信息:


Dave Mustaine


Mustaine Music