歌词 "Plans" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译



歌词相关歌手:BLOC PARTY.

English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Wake up dreamer 醒来的梦

It's happening without you 它的发生没有你

Cut your hair and shave your beard 剪你的头发和剃你的胡子

You squandered your chances 你浪费了你的机会

I'll give you a thousand pounds 我给你一千英镑

To show me how you do it 告诉我,你是怎么做到的

Stop being so laissez-faire 不要再放任

We're all scared of the future 我们都害怕未来


Been training vipers to come for you 在训练毒蛇来为你

In your dreams to release you 在你的梦想,释放你

Been training vipers to come for you 在训练毒蛇来为你

In your sleep 在你的睡眠

And the ravens are leaving the tower 和乌鸦离开塔

And the ravens are leaving the tower 和乌鸦离开塔

Make your peace 让您平安


I've got a taste for blood 我有血的味道

Leave the weak, leave the young 离开弱,留下年轻的

I've got a taste for blood 我有血的味道

I'm walking out without you 我走了,没有你

You will kill or be killed 你会杀或被杀

It's about progress 这是关于进步

I've got a taste for blood 我有血的味道


Wake up sleepyhead 醒来贪睡

It's happening without you 它的发生没有你

Such a nice guy 这样的好人

You tell me everything twice 你告诉我一切两倍

Whipcrack speed jump Whipcrack速度跳

We will run backwards 我们会倒着跑

Stop being so laissez-faire 不要再放任

We're all scared of the future 我们都害怕未来


We make plans for big times 我们出谋划策,为大时代

Get bogged down, distracted 陷入了下来,心烦意乱

We make plans for good times 我们谋划好时光

All neon, all surface 所有的霓虹灯,所有的表面

So kiss me before it all gets complicated 所以吻我之前得到的所有复杂

I've got a taste for blood 我有血的味道

歌词 Plans 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/plans-1/