歌词 "Places" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译




English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

Past love died, as she cried, I saw beauty 过去的爱情死了,她哭了,我看到了美丽

Girls wished for boys and scared them away 女孩希望男孩和让他们退避三舍

As I saw beauty 因为我看到的美


Alright, alright 好吧,好吧

My feet keep on taking me back, back, back to those places 我的脚继续带我回来,回来,回到那些地方

Alright, alright 好吧,好吧

My knees keep on shaking from fright, fright, fright 我的膝盖不断的惊吓,惊恐,吓得发抖


Scared and cold, now you're old 害怕和寒冷,现在你老了

Time thaws, but you'll break 时间解冻,但你会打破

There's a hole in my soul 有一个在我的灵魂一个洞

How much more will it take? 这将多少时间?


Alright, alright 好吧,好吧

My feet keep on taking me back, back, back to those places 我的脚继续带我回来,回来,回到那些地方

Alright, alright 好吧,好吧

My knees keep on shaking from fright, fright, fright 我的膝盖不断的惊吓,惊恐,吓得发抖


I saw, I saw 我看见了,我看见

And it moved all of the gray aside 它感动了所有的灰色的一边

I saw, I saw 我看见了,我看见

It moved all of the gray aside 它感动了所有的灰色的一边


Alright, alright 好吧,好吧

My feet keep on taking me back, back, back to those places 我的脚继续带我回来,回来,回到那些地方

Alright, alright 好吧,好吧

My knees keep on shaking from fright, fright, fright 我的膝盖不断的惊吓,惊恐,吓得发抖

歌词 Places 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/places-2/